• Sunset Icon SUNSET:
  • Full Moon Icon MOON: 90% Waxing Gibbous
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Upcoming Astronomy Events

As a service to our community, Sky & Telescope lists astronomy-related events, including star parties, observatory public nights, astronomy talks, and more. Star parties offer dark skies and astronomical fellowship and often cater to families and feature special activities for kids. Public nights give the general public a chance to view the sky through large telescopes, and public talks are a great place to learn the fundamentals of the science and the craft.
You’ll also see online events offered here.
And if you’d like free copies of Sky & Telescope‘s Let’s Go Stargazing flyer or door prizes for your next star party, you can fill out this form.

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"The Dark Side of Galaxies" by Dr. Josh Simon


Dr. Simon will provide an introduction to nearby galaxies, including our own Milky Way, and then focus on the mysterious substance called dark matter that makes up most of the universe. He will then describe how observations with our most advanced telescopes are giving astronomers new clues to exactly what this invisible matter is. About […]
