Dear Astronomy Vendor:

Hot Product icon 2015 - black & white
Click the image to download a publication-quality PDF file.

Congratulations on having one or more of your products recognized by the editors of Sky & Telescope as a Hot Product for 2015!

To download a high resolution Hot Products icon, right-click the images to the right and choose “save as” to download the PDFs to your computer. The full color icon should be used for all materials that aren’t black and white only.

Both files are print-ready vector images. To use these files for web, open the PDFs in Photoshop (or any other image-processing program), and rasterize the PDF to the size that you need. Remember to keep the background transparent when you rasterize the image.

Hot Products 2015 icon - color
Click the image to download a publication-quality PDF file.

Note that these icons are not to be used in print or online before Friday, November 21, 2014, when Sky & Telescope's January 2015 issue begins arriving in subscribers' mailboxes. You may use the icon in your advertisements in S&T beginning with the March 2015 issue, whose materials deadline is December 8, 2014.

Note also that if you did not receive a letter of congratulations directly from Sky & Telescope, you are not authorized to download or display our Hot Product icons. In addition, altering this logo in any way is expressly prohibited.

If you have any questions (except about the graphics, as noted above), please contact Peter Hardy at 617-758-0243, [email protected]; or Lester Stockman at 617-758-0253, [email protected].

Thanks, and again, congratulations!