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Mike Olason

Location of Photo:

Tucson, Arizona

Date/Time of photo:

18 April 2021, 0820UT


11" SCT and STF-8300M CCD Camera


In this image Comet 405P/Lemmon at magnitude 18.8 was 10,000 times fainter than the Sombrero Galaxy M104 at magnitude 9.2. To be able to show them in the same image the galaxy had to be overexposed, the comet was 1/4 degree from the heart of the Sombrero Galaxy. The inset of M104 is a crop from the galaxy in the image processed to show the sombrero looking galaxy. The comet was at perihelion in its 6.86 year orbit back in December when it brightened to magnitude 17. In the image the comet was 78 million miles from Earth.


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