1–20 of 6,188 results
Partial lunar eclipse


Harvest Moon Takes a Quick Dip in Earth's Shadow

September's partial lunar eclipse will be the first and only time the Moon ducks into Earth's umbral shadow in 2024. The Moon also occults Saturn and hides members of the Pleiades this month.

Stellar Science

Astronomers Watch a Giant Star Blow Bubbles

Astronomers can see hot gas boiling on the surface of the giant star R Doradus, 180 light-years away.

Illustration of Starlink satellites in grid-like orbits over radio receiver array

Astronomy and Society

Astronomers and Starlink Partner for Quieter Radio Sky

Astronomers and Starlink engineers have developed a technique to significantly reduce satellite radio pollution affecting astronomical observations.

Sun Switchbacks

Solar System

Solar Probe Duo Unravel Solar Wind Mystery

For decades, scientists have wondered what accelerates solar wind particles as they move away from the Sun. New evidence points to magnetic switchbacks.

Galaxies in the early universe


Webb Telescope Images Massive Early Galaxies, Still Finding More Than Expected

Webb Telescope data are still turning up more massive galaxies in the early universe than astronomers expect.

Crescent Moon, Venus and Spica low after sunset, Sept 6, 2024

Celestial News & Events

This Week's Sky at a Glance, September 6 – 15

The Moon starts the week low in twilight with Venus and Spica, then steps eastward past Antares and the Sagittarius Teapot. Meanwhile, the recurrent nova in Corona Borealis is still keeping us waiting.


Solar System

BepiColombo Mission Returns to Mercury for Best Flyby Views Yet

The BepiColombo mission has completed its fourth and closest pass yet of Mercury, giving us brand-new views of the planet's south pole region.

New Horizons against the backdrop of the Milky Way


Solved: The Case of the Universe’s “Extra” Light

Astronomers may have finally solved the mystery of how dark space really is.

Young solar system

Solar System

A Visiting Star Might Have Reshaped the Outer Solar System

Billions of years ago, the close pass of another star might have sculpted the outer regions of our solar system.

tidally disrupted star falls into black hole

Black Holes

Partially Shredded Star Returns for a Second Go-round with Black Hole

A supermassive black hole has twice now grabbed gas from a passing star — and astronomers predict a third chance will come in early 2025.

Vega's neighborhood

Sky Tour Astronomy Podcast

September Podcast: Exploring Vega’s Neighborhood

Use this month’s Sky Tour podcast to check out a very special Harvest Moon, track down all five bright planets, explore some lesser-known constellations, and bounce around the Summer Triangle. It’s a great introduction to the late-summer sky, all in a friendly, informative narration that’s suitable for the whole family.

Venus and Spica low in bright twilight, Aug 30, 2024

Celestial News & Events

This Week's Sky at a Glance, August 30 – September 8

Low in twilight, climbing Venus and descending Spica prepare to pass each other. After dark Vega crosses the zenith, and Scorpius beds down. Mercury shines at dawn.

Omega Centauri as galactic nucleus

Black Holes

No Intermediate-Mass Black Hole for Omega Centauri?

Last month, astronomers discovered a giant black hole in Omega Centauri. But it might contain a swarm of stellar-mass black holes instead.

ISS full pass

Explore the Night with Bob King

Flight into Darkness — Observe the International Space Station in Earth's Shadow

Did you know you can see the International Space Station even when it's in Earth's shadow? We explore possible reasons why.

The mottled surface of Polaris

Stellar Science

See the Surface of Polaris, the North Star

New data from an array of telescopes has enabled astronomers to visualize the surface of the North Star, Polaris.

waves of light traveling through space and washing over Earth, with dots shows the locations of telescopes on the planet

The Black Hole Files with Camille Carlisle

Event Horizon Telescope Pushes Toward Sharper Images

The worldwide network of radio dishes has achieved the highest resolution ever obtained from Earth’s surface.

Qianfan Launch

Astronomy and Society

Observers’ Report: First Views of the Chinese “Thousand Sails” Satellites

Amateur astronomers have shown that the first satellites of the Chinese Qianfan (“Thousand Sails”) constellation are bright enough to be seen naked-eye.

Spiral galaxy NGC 3972 observed by Webb


Loosening the Hubble Tension

New James Webb Space Telescope observations may have done with one of the longest-standing tensions in cosmology.

Moon passing Aldebaran, Mars and Jupiter in early dawn, Aug 26-28, 2024

This Week's Sky At a Glance

This Week's Sky at a Glance, August 23 – September 1

We're in peak Milky Way season, and the evenings have become dark and moonless. Andromegasus is up. So is Saturn. Before dawn, the late-risen Moon passes over Jupiter and Mars.


Astronomy in Space with David Dickinson

See Amazing Images from First-Ever Earth-Moon Flyby

The European mission to Jupiter's icy moons provided us with some amazing views closer to home, of Earth and the Moon.

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