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Location of Photo:

Frasso Sabino, Italy

Date/Time of photo:

8 September 2019 at 00h30m UT (average time)


Cassegrain diameter 369mm and focal of 2467mm (F/6.66 with reducer) + CCD FLI


On the morning of Sunday 8 September 2019 (average time 2019/9/8.097) I observed the conjunction between comet 260P and C/2018N2. The night was clear and having the field framed big enough I managed to have the 2 comets together. The telescope is that of the Observatory of Frasso Sabino a Cassegrain of 369mm with a focal of 2467mm (F/6.66 with reducer). The scale is 1".34/pixel and the field is 22'.5x28'.2 with north up and east on the left. They are 24x90sec images that have been mediated to groups of 3 and then summed up. It was later developed by my friend Cristina. I sent her 3 fits made like this: A mediana/sum on the motion of comet 260P (the fastest), the second on the median/sum of C/2018N2 and the third on the median/sum on the stars. Then he combined the 3 images. By the way, comets were in a field full of small galaxies. Some seem deformed because our telescope doesn't have much of the correct field and therefore Cristina had to correct stars and galaxies especially those towards the edges.




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