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Alireza Vafa

Location of Photo:

Firuzkuh County, Iran

Date/Time of photo:

Feb 2, 2023


Tokina Opera 50mm f1.4 /Nikkor 105mm f1.4 both on Nikon D750 body


On a bitter cold mountain site, after moonset around 5 a.m , a small window time before sunrise was created for observing and photographing the green comet, i.e. comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF). The comet resembled a beautiful faint fan shape with the naked eye. To capture a wide field photo with faint details of the comet, I used two fast lenses. The first one was Nikkor 105mm f1.4 utilized to capture 70 short exposures with the aid of a star tracker for comet details, and a normal fast lens, i.e. Tokina opera 50mm f1.4 was used to capture the entire sky and foreground on a panoramic view.