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Bob Franke

Location of Photo:

Chino Valley, AZ

Date/Time of photo:

2/5/2013 to 11/9/2013


scope: Takahashi FSQ-106ED @ f/5.0 camera: SBIG STF-8300M Filters: Baader LRGB mount:Loamandy G11 Ecposure: Lum 525 min. Red 120 min. Green 135 min. Blue 165 min.


IC 2118, also known as the Witch Head Nebula, is a faint reflection nebula in the constellation Eridanus, at a distance of about 900 light-years from Earth. The nearby bright star Rigel illuminates the nebula. Although Rigel is a blue star, IC 2118 gets much of its blue color because the gas and dust scatter blue light more so than red. This same effect makes our sky appear blue. Observations, at radio wavelengths, show areas of carbon monoxide emission throughout parts of IC 2118. This indicates the presence of molecular clouds and star formation within the nebula.




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