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Jon Greif

Location of Photo:

La Jolla, CA, USA

Date/Time of photo:

November 18-20, 2022, between 8 pm and 3 am PST


12 hours of integration time (143 five minute exposures). Takahashi FSQ-85ED with 1.01x flattener/reducer. ZWO ASI533MC Pro imaging camera. Optolong L-Pro filter. Rainbow Astro RST-135 Mount. ZWO 30mm Mini Guide Scope with ZWO ASI290 Mini guide camera. ASIAIR Plus controller. Processed in Pixinsight 1.8.9.


It was clear again the last 2 nights, allowing us to image the Triangulum Galaxy, a spiral galaxy 2.73 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Triangulum. It is catalogued as Messier 33, and is 61,100 light-years in diameter. The Triangulum Galaxy is the third-largest member of the Local Group of galaxies, behind the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way.

