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Diptiman Nandy

Location of Photo:

IC Astronomy. Oria, Almería, Spain

Date/Time of photo:

07.07.2021, 20:35 pm


Equipment: FLI PL16083 camera , Takahashi FSQ-106ED telescope , Paramount MX+ mount


The Polaris Flare is a filamentous gas cloud in the Milky Way which is seen in the sky in the region of the constellation Ursa Minor and around the star Polaris. The area in the sky is estimated at 50 square degrees.The range is approximately 500 light-years. Exif : L - 12 x 300 seconds & 21 x 600 seconds , R - 8 x 300 seconds & 18 x 600 seconds , G - 8 x 300 seconds & 23 x 600 seconds , B - 8 x 300 seconds & 18 x 600 seconds Filters: Astrodon LRGB 2GEN Softwares used: Deep Sky Stacker, PixInsight, Photoshop Image acquired via Telescope Live Author: Diptiman Nandy

