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Location of Photo:

Little Panoche Reservoir, Northern California

Date/Time of photo:

26 March 2021 4:09am


Canon Eos Ra in 1.6 crop mode, Canon 70-200mm lens at 135 mm on SkyWatcherStar Adventurer star tracker, 30s exposures, f 2.8, ISO 800 taken between 4:09 am and 4:27 am to expose for the Rho Ophiuchi complex, then at 4:27 am 3s exposures ISO 200, f2.8 to expose for the eclipsed moon. Planned with Stellarium and Xavier Jubier’s lunar eclipse time exposure calculator. Camera controlled with APT.


Taken by myself from Bortle 3 skies on a dark desert highway in Northern California (near Little Panoche Reservoir). I saw the Milky Way appear naked eye during the partial phases of the eclipse. It was a mind-blowing experience! Digitally processed by Alexandru Barbovschi from Chișinău, Republic of Moldova. Pre-processed with darks using Siril. Stacked 34 frames of 30s to get Rho Ophiuci (and trailed overexposed Moon) Stacked 9 frames of 3s to get a properly exposed Moon (and cut it off from there). Rho Ophiuchi post-processed in RawTherapee and sent through StarFixer. Final composite made in Gimp.

