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Jon Greif

Location of Photo:

La Jolla, CA, USA

Date/Time of photo:

March 8 and 9, 2022, between 9 pm and midnight, local time


Takahashi FSQ-85ED with 0.85 Reducer, ZWO ASI533MC Pro imaging camera, Optolong L-Pro filter, ZWO 30 mm guide scope, ZWO ASI292MM mini guide camera, Rainbow Astro RST-135 mount, Ekos capture software on a Raspberry Pi 4B and Pixinsight 1.8.9 processing software on a Macbook Pro


The Rosette Nebula is a Hydrogen II region (hence its red color) located near one end of a giant molecular cloud in the Monoceros region of the Milky Way Galaxy. An open star cluster, NGC 2244, is closely associated with the nebulosity, the stars of the cluster having been formed from the nebula's matter. The cluster and nebula lie at a distance of 5,000 light-years from Earth and measure roughly 130 light years in diameter. The mass of the nebula is estimated to be around 10,000 solar masses. The image data was collected over several nights about 10 days ago and represents about 5 hours of exposure time.

