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Location of Photo:

Near Mill Reef Club, Island of Antigua and Barbuda

Date/Time of photo:

1/25/2020 6:23pm


Sony A7R3. Sony 70-200mm with X2 teleconverter set at 270mm


20 minutes before moonset and at a low lying altitude of 4.5deg above the horizon (which further dimmed its apparent illumination), I got them both! The thinnest crescent I had ever photographed was there, just a sliver with its edges broken in illumination could be seen hovering over the clouds against the vivid hues of the twilight sky. Mercury can be seen just below the clouds to it's left in the picture. I could see neither with the naked eye, even though I could confirm it on camera in a few shots before the clouds blocked them both. Between best guess shooting and squinting the eyes to scan the horizon to see the conjunction, I was left with awe and allure for our shape shifting moon.

