Deep Sky

Night at the (Celestial) Museum

Take some time to explore the overlooked masterpiece of Messier 56.

Caroline's Cluster

Night Sky Sights

Explore Caroline Herschel's Celestial Showpieces

More than 200 years ago Caroline Herschel pointed her telescope at the heavens and discovered some of the finest deep-sky objects. Follow in her footsteps and see them for yourself.

Deep Sky

Easy-to-find Deep-sky Objects for Cold Nights

Cold weather keeping you inside at night? Limit your time outdoors and make the most of your telescope time with these easy-to-find deep-sky gems.

The Great Square of Pegasus

Night Sky Sights

Deep-sky Dive Into the Great Square of Pegasus

We return to Pegasus, but this time with a telescope to find a grab-bag of overlooked deep-sky treasures.

Explore the Night with Bob King

Treasure Hunting in the Hall of the Deep-Sky King

Cepheus, the King, has hidden his treasure well but not so much that curious amateurs can't find more than enough to stuff their pockets.