1021–1040 of 1,202 results

Stargazing with Tony Flanders

Hiking Under the Stars

The view from New Hampshire's Mount Guyot: Venus blazes above the glow of the impending sunrise.

a rocket taking off with fire underneath it

Cosmic Relief with David Grinspoon

Back to the Future, This Time to Stay

The launch of LRO sets the stage for future human Moon exploration.

grey streaks above black streaks with a black line going ito the grey streaks

Cosmic Relief with David Grinspoon

My God, It’s Full of Moonlets!

A recent discovery blurs the line between amateurs and professionals.

Stargazing with Tony Flanders

Light Pollution in North America

According to the Light Pollution Atlas, there's a fourfold variation in light pollution per capita among metropolitan areas in the U.S. and Canada.

Stargazing with Tony Flanders

Grand Canyon North-Rim Star Party 2009

The Grand Canyon Star Party is one of the largest public star parties in the United States.

On the Road with David Levy

The University of Arizona Astronomy Camp

This year's Astronomy Camp at the University of Arizona moved to Kitt Peak National Observatory and the 90-inch Bart J. Bok Telescope.

Stargazing with Tony Flanders

Light Pollution Per Capita

The amount of light pollution generated per person varies greatly from one country to another.

On the Road with David Levy

Of Asteroids and Star B.Q.s

The naming of asteroid 120349 Kalas is announced at last weekend's C-Row Star B.Q. hosted by southeastern Arizona's Huachuca Astronomy Club.

On the Road with David Levy

Dean’s Magic HyperStar

Starizona's HyperStar turns selected Celestron and Meade Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes into powerful, wide-field imaging systems.

Stargazing with Tony Flanders

Is the U.S. Bright or Dark?

Depending how you present the data, light pollution in the U.S. may appear anywhere from quite severe to fairly modest.

On the Road with David Levy

A Little Comet Named Christensen

A comet hunt on the morning of May25th turns up a previously discovered comet with a interesting history.

Stargazing with Tony Flanders

Ground Truth for the Light Pollution Atlas

Instrumental measurements suggest that the color zones from the World Atlas of Light Pollution — perhaps best known through its incorporation in the Clear Sky Chart — don't tell the whole story.

On the Road with David Levy

Mauro Vittorio Zanotta 1963-2009

Italian comet hunter Mauro Zanotta's life is cut short by a tragic skiing accident at the end of May.

On the Road with David Levy

A 1967 Meteor Watch

The memories from a single night under the stars can last a lifetime.

an earth with a footprint on it

Cosmic Relief with David Grinspoon

Monkeying with the World

For long-term survival, humans will need to be planetary engineers.

On the Road with David Levy

Why Name a Telescope?

It may seem silly to some, but giving your telescope a names adds to the personal connection you have with the heavens when yo observe wwith it.

On the Road with David Levy

Star Night 2009

The Sharing the Sky Foundation hosts its 13th annual Star Night on the campus of the University of Arizona in Tucson.

On the Road with David Levy

A Marriage of Heaven and Hell

The occultation of Venus by the crescent Moon on Wednesday morning, April 22nd, was a first-ever event for veteran observer David Levy.

On the Road with David Levy

A Serious Binocular Telescope

Early last March, David Levy experienced "first light" with an unusual new telescope.

On the Road with David Levy

“Hoops” Doveed

David Levy has never had a strong interest in sports, but when the game turns to the night sky, everyone wins.