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Jim Case

Location of Photo:

Southern California

Date/Time of photo:

February 1, 2023


AT115EDT, ASI2600MC PRO, Ioptron CEM40, ASIAIR+


Here is the Comet C-2022 E3 (ZTF) that has been in the news lately. It was at its brightest on 2/1/2023 and I was able to capture it with 44 x 60 second exposures from my backyard around midnight. While I was not able to see it visually due to the bright moon and light pollution, I was happy to capture it with my AT115EDT telescope and ASI2600MC PRO using the ASIAIR plus. To process I first removed the stars in each of 44 exposures and then integrated them using a comet registration in APP. Then I integrated the 44 exposures using a normal registration. Both images were cleaned up using the light pollution removal tool and then processed and stacked in PS. A bit grueling processing but I am happy with the result.