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Mike Olason

Location of Photo:

Tucson, Arizona

Date/Time of photo:

2024 April 26, 0254UT


50mm f/3.5 Refractor and ST-402ME CCD camera


Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks on the evening of 2024 April 26 UT was magnitude G=4.2 as calculated from 6x15s images taken thru a green filter in an aperture diameter of 10'. A very windy day left one to assume that with all the dust in the air that the images would not be very good at such a low altitude, but the images were colorful and data was good, all things considered. Dust storm predicted for tomorrow and some clouds, not sure if images will be possible 2 evenings from now from Tucson as the comet gets ever lower, but as someone kinda said, no one ever takes images of comets sitting on the couch so we shall try.