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Location of Photo:

Backyard in Northwest Missouri

Date/Time of photo:

October 18-2022


Orion 8 inch f3.9 newtonian astrograph, with a coma correcter. Canon 60d unmodified, autoguider orion starshoot 60mm guide scope, all on a celestron AVX mount.


The Ghost Nebula is a reflection nebula in the constellation Cepheus. In this portrait you can see all the galactic space dust in our milky way Galaxy. In the bottom middle is the ghost nebula the name easily understood and is 2 light-years across. 3 night session total of 8 hours integration with 4 minutes subs of RAW exposures, ISO-1250 stacked using deep sky stacker. Pixlinsight dynamic crop, dynamic background ext, non linear stretch in histrogram tran, NoiseXTerminator, star mask using the morphology trans for star reduction, added a luminous mask used curves, for saturation’s, Photoshop: saturations adjustments, color balance, highlights, selective color adjustments, smart sharpening.

