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Location of Photo:

Grass Valley Ca,

Date/Time of photo:



Canon 500mm F4 lens mounted on Astrophysics 1600 GTO mount


This image was taken using Luminance , Red, Green and Blue filters . L (40 at 5ec, 42 at 30 seconds 3 at 120 seconds) R (20 at 120 seconds) G (19 at 120 seconds) B (19 at 120 seconds) Total exposure time 150 minutes. To fit the image into the requirement, it was shrunk 85% down and compressed. The original image is 9425x6193 pixels after cropping (~59mega pixel). The dimmest stars are 2x2 pixels across making for at lot of detail. The tiff version of the image is ~350megabytes and a low compressed Jpeg is 22 megabytes should you want the more detailed image. The image was processed with Pixinsight using HDR techniques to preserve the dim areas without blowing out the bright areas. If you want more details or images of the setup let me know.