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Sergio Eguivar

Location of Photo:

Sarandi, Entre Rios, Argentina

Date/Time of photo:

March 29th 2024


6" Reflector Orion Optics, QHY 183, Vixen GPDX Mount


NGC 4945 is part of the Centaurus Group along with NGC 5128. It is almost the size of our Milky Way and it is six times farther away than Andromeda which is our nearest spiral galaxy. NGC 4945 is characterized by its high infrared luminosity, which also implies high levels of radiation emitted by its young and massive stars. It has an energetic Seyfert 2 nucleus that, due the dark dust, can not be directly observed by the astronomers. The high speed rotation in its core, suppose the existence of a super massive black hole which mass is about 1.6 million suns. NGC 4945 was discovered by Scottish astronomer James Dunlop in 1826 from Parramatta New South Wales, Australia

