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Jon Greif

Location of Photo:

La Jolla, CA, USA

Date/Time of photo:

November 24-27, 2022, between 7 pm and 1 am PST


11.2 hours of integration time (134 five minute exposures). Takahashi FSQ-85ED with 1.01x flattener/reducer. ZWO ASI533MC Pro imaging camera. Optolong L-Pro filter. Rainbow Astro RST-135 Mount. ZWO 30mm Mini Guide Scope with ZWO ASI290 Mini guide camera. ASIAIR Plus controller. Processed in Pixinsight 1.8.9.


NGC 253 is one of the largest and brightest spiral galaxies visible in the night sky. It occupies an area the size of a full moon. It's known as the Sculptor Galaxy for its location within the constellation Sculptor. Discovered in 1783 by mathematician and astronomer Caroline Herschel, the dusty island universe lies a mere 10 million light-years away. The Sculptor Group of Galaxies is the nearest to our own Local Group of Galaxies. In addition to its spiral dust lanes, tendrils of dust seem to be rising from a galactic disk laced with young star clusters and star forming regions, earning NGC 253 the designation of a starburst galaxy. NGC 253 is also known to be a strong source of high-energy x-rays and gamma rays, likely due to massive black holes near the galaxy's center.

