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Location of Photo:

Ilford, NSW, Australia

Date/Time of photo:

19-21 March, 2020


12.5" Plane Wave CDK on an AP900 mount with an FLI Proline 16803


Dusty clouds and a reflection nebula in Chamaeleon. [img2]https://www.astrobin.com/full/8aalro/C/[/img2] IC 2631 is a blue reflection nebula in the far southern constellation of Chamaeleon. It surrounds a young T Tauri star HD973000, about 500 light years away. It lies in the Chamaeleon Cloud Complex which is a large star forming region that includes the Chamaeleon I, Chamaeleon II, and Chamaeleon III dark clouds. The Chamaeleon Complex occupies nearly all of the constellation Chamaeleon and overlaps into Apus, Musca, Carina and Octans. The dust partially or nearly totally obscures the stars within and behind it.


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