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Dr Alan Potts

Location of Photo:

Newport, South Wales, UK

Date/Time of photo:

20th September 2020 and 3rd, 18th and 25th November 2020


130mm f/5 Newtonian (SkyWatcher 130PDS) with Nikon D3200 DSLR body


Regarded by many as how our Milky Way would appear seen edge-on, NGC 891 has a reputation for photogeneticity having been used at least twice as the first-light image of major telesopes. It is of similar dimensions as well as structure to our own Milky Way. A couple of faint galaxies can be seen but these are far more distant as NGC 891, by chance, is aligned to the rather more distant galaxy cluster Abell 347.The image is a stack of 4 stacks from 4 nights from September and November 2020. The total integration time is 102m 58s with subframes mainly at 1600 ISO and sub-10s due to sky background limitations.


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