If you enjoyed Steve Gottlieb's article on merging galaxies in the June 2022 issue of Sky & Telescope, you might be in search of finder charts for the targets. Look no further: They're handily grouped here, starting with an overview of where the targets are located in the sky, followed by zooms to help you navigate your way to the galaxies in the order they're discussed in the article. Star labels are primarily placed above the object, but in some cases the label is below or to the side. Magnitudes are below the star names in italics.

Finder chart for Interacting Galaxies
Use this chart to start planning your observations of the targets listed in "Let's Get Together" that appears in the June 2022 issue of Sky & Telescope.
Sky & Telescope / Gregg Dinderman
Arp 302 Finder Chart
Arp 302
POSS-II / STScI / Caltech / Palomar Observatory
Arp 240 Finder Chart
Arp 240
POSS-II / STScI / Caltech / Palomar Observatory
Arp 238 Finder Chart
Arp 238
POSS-II / STScI / Caltech / Palomar Observatory
Arp 299 Finder Chart
Arp 299
POSS-II / STScI / Caltech / Palomar Observatory
NGC 5256 Finder Chart
NGC 5256
POSS-II / STScI / Caltech / Palomar Observatory
VV 705 Finder Chart
VV 705
POSS-II / STScI / Caltech / Palomar Observatory
Mrk 273 Finder Chart
Mrk 273
POSS-II / STScI / Caltech / Palomar Observatory

If you wish to print these out, you can download this PDF.


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