Prepare for the Perseids and a Pretty Planetary Pairing
The year’s long-awaited Perseid meteor shower will be accompanied by a graceful planetary conjunction. It’s well worth staying up all night to watch.
See Photos of the Widespread Aurorae Last Weekend
An extreme (G5) geomagnetic storm hit Earth last weekend, delighting viewers as far south as Florida with green and red curtains of light.
Sky & Telescope Joins the Northeast Astronomy Forum
Sky & Telescope met with readers old and new at the annual Northeast Astronomy Forum.
The Totality Experience: S&T’s Eclipse Stories
With Sky & Telescope’s editors and writers scattered across the eclipse path, we have dozens of stories to share. Here are a few.
11 Things to Take With You the Day of the Solar Eclipse
You might have your eclipse-viewing plans all worked out, but have you thought about all the other things you might need?
It's Showtime! April's Total Solar Eclipse Is Upon Us!
The much-anticipated April 8th total solar eclipse is finally here!
Top 10 Astronomy News Stories of 2023
This year, we heard the low hum of gravitational waves criss-crossing the cosmos, observed a "ring of fire" solar eclipse, and applauded the arrival of asteroid samples. Here are Sky & Telescope's picks for the top news stories in astronomy this year.
A Great Year for the Geminids
It’s December and that means one of the best celestial events will grace the skies. The Geminid meteor shower should peak in a moonless sky between Wednesday and Thursday, December 13–14.
AAS Quasquicentennial: Celebrating 125 Years in 2024
The American Astronomical Society is celebrating its 125th anniversary. Visit the AAS site to learn more about this exciting milestone.
Annular Solar Eclipse Dazzles Watchers Across North America
The weekend's solar eclipse dazzled observers throughout the U.S. and Mexico. Sky & Telescope editors and contributing editors report.
Where to Watch the October 14th Annular Solar Eclipse Online
If you can't see the annular solar eclipse in person, we've got some online viewing opportunities for you.
"Ring of Fire" Solar Eclipse Comes to the Americas on October 14th
A solar eclipse will soon grace the skies over the Americas. On Saturday, October 14, 2023, the Moon will cross in front of the Sun, covering at most 90% of it — the remaining 10% will appear as a blazing “ring of fire” around the Moon’s black silhouette.
A Banner Year for the Perseid Meteor Shower
It’s August and that means one of the year’s most beloved celestial events will grace the skies. The Perseid meteor shower peaks this weekend on Saturday night−Sunday morning, August 12−13.
Eclipse Apps, Books, Videos: Resources for the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse
Find some of our favorite resources for the April 8, 2024, solar eclipse, including apps, video explainers, children's activities, and books.
Countdown Begins for the Great North American Solar Eclipse!
On Monday, April 8, 2024, the Moon will pass directly between Earth and the Sun, creating a total solar eclipse like the one that crossed the United States on August 21, 2017. At T minus 1 year, the countdown has begun!
The Northeast Astronomy Forum Is Back in 2023
The Northeast Astronomy Forum in Suffern, NY, welcomes visitors from across the world on April 15–16, and we'll be there — will you?
New Observations Reveal Galaxies Near and Far
Astronomers at this month's big winter conference explored intriguing small galaxies at various points in cosmic history.
The Moons of the Solar System
Not so long ago, astronomers thought only a few dozen moons orbited the planets of our solar system. Today, the total count tops 170!
Observing Report: Moon Occults Mars
Sky & Telescope editors report their observations of last night's celestial event: Mars grazing or disappearing behind the Moon.
See Bright Mars Wink Out Behind the Moon
The night of December 7–8 will be an exciting one for fans of the Red Planet. Not only will Mars be at opposition, but the full Moon will blot it out of the sky for many locations on Earth.