Supermassive Black hole

Black Holes

The Appearance of a Black Hole’s Shadow

In April of this year, the Event Horizon Telescope captured the first detailed images of the shadow of a black hole. In a new study, a team of scientists has now explored what determines the size and shape of black hole shadows like this one.

hotspot near event horizon

The Black Hole Files with Camille Carlisle

Gas Seen Moving Near the Event Horizon

Astronomers have detected three flares from near our galaxy’s central black hole that look like gas closely orbiting the unseen object.

magnetic fields around black hole

Milky Way

Our “Magnetic” Black Hole

Astronomers have detected magnetic fields writhing around the Milky Way's central black hole.

Black Holes

Best Evidence Yet That Black Holes Exist

A team of astronomers has found indirect evidence of a supermassive black hole’s event horizon, providing further proof that these wacky objects actually exist in nature.

Professional Telescopes

Astronomers Approach Black Hole

The Event Horizon Telescope team has unmasked the heart of the jet-shooting galaxy M87, paving the way for astronomers to discover how black holes create their superpowered streamers.