Welcome to Astronomy in Motion, videos, time-lapse movies, and animations showing astronomical subjects as they change and move across the sky.


An Amazing Aurora Video by Ole Salomonsen.

A Milky Way Masterpiece by South Dakota farmer Randy Halvorson.

The Solar System

The Grimsby Fireball imaged by the Southern Ontario Meteor Network.

Remarkable Explosion on the Sun — a time-lapse video of a huge solar flare, from the Solar Dynamics Observatory satellite.

Saturn in Motion — created by S&T imaging editor Sean Walker from Hubble Space Telescope photos.

Sky Animations

The Four-Planet Dance — Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, and Mars in May, 2011.

Computerized Models

Solar-System Evolution: The Nice Model by Hal Levison of the Southwest Research Institute.

See also our videotaped interviews and how-to demonstrations.


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