At the Zooniverse, we’re hosting projects where scientists in different fields are looking to team up with the public to do real science online.

Help catch an exploding star! Citizen scientists are teaming up with robotic telescopes scanning the skies for new supernovae.

How do galaxies merge? Simulate galaxy collisions yourself to try and match a real pair of merging galaxies.

Solar scientists need your help keeping tabs on the Sun. Track solar explosions to help better understand the Sun and warn astronauts in space of dangerous storms.

You’ve explored the local universe, so now get ready to journey to the edge! Classify galaxies spotted by the Hubble Space Telescope in some of the deepest images ever taken.

Take a stroll across the Moon and map the lunar surface in extraordinary detail. It’s the ultimate real-estate search: where could astronauts returning to the Moon find shelter?

Peer into the heart of our own Milky Way using the infrared eyes of NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope. Hunt for bubbles and other strange formations that help us understand the history and structure of our galaxy.

How many planets are there in the Milky Way? And what are they like? Are any of them like our own Earth? Help astronomers find out by analyzing data from NASA’s Kepler spacecraft.

After passing Pluto and Charon in 2015, NASA’s New Horizons probe needs another target in the outer solar system to fly by and study. Join in and help find a new destination.

No more astronomy. Hop aboard a World War 1 Royal Navy vessel and scour its logbooks for clues to the world’s climate at sea. Climate scientists need this data to understand the 71% of Earth’s surface covered by water.


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