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Location of Photo:

Vancouver, Canada

Date/Time of photo:

July 8 - 13th 2023


Celestron Edge HD 8, Celestron 0.7x reducer, ASI533MM Pro, Antlia 3nm Pro filters, ZWO AM5


Cygnus Wall is a place where stars are born. This is a close up view of the Cygnus Wall found 1500 light years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus, the Swan. The stellar cliffs pictured here have been carved out by new stars forming in the region. The colours you see represent the different gasses found in the area, red is sulfur, blue oxygen, and green is hydrogen. It in en vogue in astrophotography to reduce the green and magenta tones to make a more aesthetically pleasing image, but I have left them untouched to give a true representation of the interplay between these gasses within the nebula.

