41–60 of 1,238 results
Pegasus Pisces Andromeda

Sky Tour Astronomy Podcast

November: A Flying Horse and Star Fish

With darkness coming earlier now, take advantage of November's clear evenings to explore the nighttime sky with our audio guided tour.

Moon-Venus Oct 9-10 2021

Sky Tour Astronomy Podcast

October: Three Planets at Dusk

Take advantage of October's crisp, clear evenings and early-arriving dawns to explore the nighttime sky with our audio guided tour.

Guide to the Summer Triangle

Sky Tour Astronomy Podcast

Summer Triangle Overhead

The calendar might say “September,” but now is the perfect time to explore the Summer Triangle. Find your way with this month’s Sky Tour podcast.

Jupiter-Saturn-Moon in mid-August 2021

Sky Tour Astronomy Podcast

Welcome, Jupiter & Saturn!

The Perseids are upon us — and as you're looking out for shooting stars, look for Jupiter and Saturn low in the southeast as soon as night begins to fall.

Moon-Venus-Mars in July 2021

Sky Tour Astronomy Podcast

July: Inner Planets Rule!

True darkness is fleeting in July, especially at higher latitudes. So make the most of the darkness you have, by downloading our narrated Sky Tour podcast to "what's up" in the night sky.

Moon Venus Mars on June 11-13, 2021

Sky Tour Astronomy Podcast

June: Solar Eclipse & Colorful Stars

June features long days and short nights in the Northern Hemisphere, so download our narrated Sky Tour astronomy podcast to make the most of the abbreviated dark hours after sunset. Special event: a partial solar eclipse on June 10th!

Moon-Mercury-Venus on May 12-13

Sky Tour Astronomy Podcast

May: Halley Bits & Lunar Eclipse

Exciting celestial events will happen during May, so download our narrated Sky Tour astronomy podcast to find out about this month's Eta Aquariid meteor shower and a total lunar eclipse.

Annular eclipse at dawn

Celestial News & Events

First Look at 2021’s First Solar Eclipse

June 10th's annular eclipse of the Sun has a path that crosses southern Canada and the North Pole but will be a challenge to see.

Moon pairings in April 2021

Sky Tour Astronomy Podcast

April: Follow the Moon

To learn “what’s up” at night during April, download Sky Tour — an engaging narrated guide to the planets, stars, and constellations now visible.

Apophis radar images in 2021

Solar System

Asteroid Apophis Will Miss Earth in 2068

Radar measurements taken early this month rule out any chance of a collision with Apophis over the next 100 years.

Apophis and Earth in 2029

Solar System

Asteroid Apophis Pays Earth a Visit This Week

When a potentially hazardous asteroid glides safely past Earth on March 6th, astronomers will conduct a dress rehearsal for a dramatic close-miss pass in 2029.

Stars of the Winter Hexagon

Sky Tour Astronomy Podcast

March: Find the Winter Hexagon

Our Sky Tour astronomy podcast provides an engaging guided tour of the planets, stars, and constellations overhead during March.

Perseverance during descent

Solar System

NASA’s Perseverance Arrives on Mars

NASA’s Perseverance rover, now safely on the floor of Jezero crater, will soon begin its search for evidence of past life on Mars.

Star chart for Monoceros

Sky Tour Astronomy Podcast

February: The Hare & Unicorn

When you step outside to admire the crisp, starlit night sky on February evenings, bring along our Sky Tour astronomy podcast to learn which stars and constellations are overhead. Here’s a preview of what you'll see.

Total lunar eclipse path on May 26, 2021

Celestial Objects to Observe

Solar and Lunar Eclipses in 2021

Four eclipses occur in 2021, with annular and total solar eclipses alternating between total and not-quite-total lunar eclipses.

The Hyades open star cluster

Sky Tour Astronomy Podcast

January: The Hyades & Pleiades

Start the new year right with the easy-to-follow stargazing highlights offered by our Sky Tour astronomy podcast. Here's a preview of this month's guided audio tour.

Leonid fireball crossing Orion

Night Sky Sights

The Best Meteor Showers in 2021

Sky & Telescope predicts that the year's best meteor shower will be the strong, fireball-rich Perseids in mid-August.

Totality from Las Grutas, Argentina

Celestial News & Events

Totality Reports from South America

Remote locations, rainy weather, and even a pandemic couldn't keep diehard observers from viewing December 14th's total solar eclipse.

Jupiter-Saturn-Moon Dec 2020

Sky Tour Astronomy Podcast

December 2020: A Busy Month

Step outside after sunset this month to spot Jupiter and Saturn's dramatic pairing, 2020's best meteor shower, and more!

Venus and Mercury on Nov 13th

Sky Tour Astronomy Podcast

November 2020: Cassiopeia Rules

With the return to standard time, November evenings come very early for northern observers — a chance to get in some quick stargazing before dinner!
