Dan Caselden visiting the BDNYC group at the AMNH

Citizen Science: Projects & Collaboration

Citizen Scientist Wins Prestigious AAS Award

The American Astronomical Society recognized Dan Caselden’s contributions to science at their recent winter meeting.

Star with planet

Stellar Science

Astro News: Planet-eating Stars and an Accidental Brown Dwarf

This week in astronomy news: A citizen scientist happens upon a weird, ancient brown dwarf and astronomers discover that Sun-like stars eat their own planets.

Brown dwarf aurorae


Radio Transmission from a Brown Dwarf

The radio discovery of a brown dwarf holds promise for future exoplanet detections.

Brown dwarf

Stellar Science

Citizen Scientists Help Discover “Weird” Brown Dwarfs

Astronomers and citizen scientists have found two would-be stars lacking heavy elements. They’re most likely ancient survivors of our galaxy’s earliest days.

Brown Dwarf with Aurora


Auroras Discovered Around Rogue Brown Dwarf

Astronomers have discovered auroras around a set of brown dwarfs — including one that wanders the galaxy by itself — indicating surprisingly strong magnetic fields in these failed stars.

Star-forming region RCW 38

Stellar Science

100 Billion Brown Dwarfs in the Milky Way?

A new study of a nearby cluster of newly formed stars reveals that brown dwarfs may rival stars in the Milky Way in number, with one brown dwarf for every two bona fide stars.

Brown dwarf discovered in Backyard Worlds

Citizen Science: Projects & Collaboration

Citizens Spot Cold World 100 Light-years Away

Citizen scientists have discovered a brown dwarf 100 light-years from the Sun, and more finds are sure to come from the Backyard Worlds citizen-science project.

Stellar Science

Brown Dwarfs vs. Stars: What Makes a Star a Star?

At what point does a clump of gas ignite, turning into a star? Astronomers now have an answer to what makes a star — and what makes a brown dwarf.

Brown dwarf with disk

Stellar Science

Brown Dwarfs Mimic Their Big Stellar Siblings

Two recent studies suggest that brown dwarfs, or so-called “failed stars,” are nevertheless more like stars than planets.