Twelve for dinner

Milky Way

Stellar Streams Are Revealing Their Secrets

A detailed study of 12 streams of stars swirling in and around the Milky Way will ultimately help shed light on our galaxy's dark matter halo.

Photo of an edge-on galaxy encircled by a faint stream of stars.

Milky Way

Seeking the Origins of Galactic Stellar Streams

A recent study has identified the origins of many of the long streams of stars that encircle the Milky Way. These streams may contain hints about our galaxy's past.

Pisces–Eridanus stellar stream

Stellar Science

A Nearby Stellar Stream Gets Carded

The stellar stream Pisces–Eridanus may try to pass itself off as a billion years old, but scientists are calling its bluff.

GD-1 and Palomar 5


Evidence for a Dark Matter Clump in the Milky Way

There are ghosts in our galaxy’s past. Now astronomers have found a way to detect them.

Milky Way

Astronomers Find Stars Streaming from Our Galaxy’s Biggest Cluster

Astronomers have discovered a stream of stars pulled from Omega Centauri, the largest and most brilliant globular cluster around the Milky Way — and perhaps a one-time dwarf galaxy.


Dark Energy Survey Releases First Three Years of Data

Results from the first data release of the Dark Energy Survey include eleven new stellar streams in the Milky Way galaxy.