Astrophotography: Tips & Techniques
Tips for Shooting the Milky Way
It’s summer time, and the Milky Way is beckoning. Here are a few tips to help get you started photographing our galaxy.
Astrophotography: Tips & Techniques
Understanding ISO for Astrophotography
Does increasing the ISO on your DSLR make it more sensitive? No! Yes! Depends! Find out how ISO affects your astrophotography.
Astrophotography: Tips & Techniques
The Case for Monochrome
Quality monochrome (black-and-white) images are a much easier route to early success in astrophotography — find out how to get started.
Astrophotography: Tips & Techniques
Astrophotography: Stacking Up Your Signal
The secret to stacking images in astrophotography is increasing signal rather than just increasing the number of exposures.
Astrophotography: Tips & Techniques
An Astrophotographer's Gentle Introduction to Noise
You don't need a PhD to understand noise in astronomical images — here's an introduction to the various sources of noise in astrophotography and how to combat them.
Imaging Foundations with Richard Wright
PixInsight vs Photoshop: Which is Better for Astrophotography?
Is it possible to settle the PixInsight vs. Photoshop debate once and for all? Yes: Learn both and gain the skills you need to make better astrophotos!
Astrophotography: Tips & Techniques
How to Capture the Clearest Astro Images
Capturing crystal-clear astro images involves a delicate balance of having just enough pixels for the object you're imaging. But you don't need a PhD to understand the sampling theory that's involved.
Astrophotography: Tips & Techniques
Framing Your Astro Images: Understanding Field of View and Pixel Scale
Knowing your astrophotography setup's pixel scale will help you take better pictures. And to determine pixel scale, you first need to know your field of view.
Imaging Foundations with Richard Wright
Seeing vs. Transparency: What's the Difference?
Good weather for imaging is about more than just the clouds! Even if it's cloud-free, you'll need to understand if the seeing and transparency are good.
Imaging Foundations with Richard Wright
Astrophotography: Imaging Foundations
Astrophotographer Richard S. Wright, Jr. embarks on his imaging blog. Join him each month to learn how to get the most out of your imaging equipment.