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  • Full Moon Icon MOON: 90% Waxing Gibbous
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Upcoming Astronomy Events

As a service to our community, Sky & Telescope lists astronomy-related events, including star parties, observatory public nights, astronomy talks, and more. Star parties offer dark skies and astronomical fellowship and often cater to families and feature special activities for kids. Public nights give the general public a chance to view the sky through large telescopes, and public talks are a great place to learn the fundamentals of the science and the craft.
You’ll also see online events offered here.
And if you’d like free copies of Sky & Telescope‘s Let’s Go Stargazing flyer or door prizes for your next star party, you can fill out this form.

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Online GIS Certification Program

Spatial Science Institute 3616 Trousdale Parkway, Los Angeles

The USC Spatial Sciences Institute partners with researchers, businesses, nonprofits, NGOs and other entities to analyze, model and visualize location-based data. As a leading GIS research and academic institution, USC has the unique ability to attract talented researchers and educators from a wide range of disciplines and promote collaboration across countless areas of expertise and […]

Public Stargazes at the Pensacola Beach Pavilion

Pensacola Beach Pavilion 20 Casino Beach Blvd, Pensacola Beach

On the weekends of the first quarter moon, members of the Escambia Amateur Astronomers set up telescopes at the Pensacola Beach Pavilion (just south of the famed Beach Ball Water Tower) to view the Sun in afternoon, then Moon and planets in evening sky. We set up a variety of telescopes in all sizes and […]


International Astronomy & Space Science Olympiad ( IASSO) 2021-22

Online - Live stream Flagstaff

International Astronomy & Space Science Olympiad (IASSO 2021-22) is planned by the emerging educational organisation Astronomy World: Education & Research Organization. Astronomy & Space Science Olympiad is all About the natural science discipline that studies space and celestial bodies such as stars, planets, meteors and galaxies. It also refers to the study of the matter […]

Gardner Camp Star Party – New Moon, It’s a Small World

Gardner Camp 26558 160th Street, Hull

Our Basic Star Party is perfect for introducing the night sky to youth and adults. Gardner Camp has the best viewing sky in the entire region. We kick off the party inside our amazing StarLab planetarium where groups can fly to Mars and the Moon as well as view videos and animations of night sky […]