
Astronomy in Space with David Dickinson

Juno's Close View of Jupiter's Europa (New Photos!)

Juno will pass over the surface of Europa this week in our closest view since the Galileo mission, aiding future exploration efforts.

Close-up on glowing Neptune and its gossamer rings

Solar System

Neptune's Rings, Jupiter's “Frosted Cupcakes,” and 3D Views of Mars

Three solar system emissaries have returned beautiful and even interactive vistas of Neptune, Jupiter, and Mars.

Jupiter's Great Red Spot

Solar System

The Roots of Jupiter’s Great Red Spot Run Deep

NASA’s Juno mission has obtained measurements that finally say just how deep the Great Red Spot goes.

close up of corner of jupiter with gaynmede in background

Astronomy & Observing News

Juno’s Ganymede Flyby: Video Update

NASA's Juno flew by Jupiter's Ganymede, the biggest moon in the solar system, on June 7, 2021.

Juno Insight

Astronomy in Space with David Dickinson

NASA Extends Juno, InSight Missions

NASA has granted two key planetary missions extensions, so InSight and Juno will continue to return data from Mars and Jupiter, respectively, for years to come.

Jovian sprite

Solar System

Juno Discovers Sprites and Elves on Jupiter

NASA's Juno spacecraft has captured ultraviolet images of a rare atmospheric phenomenon in Jupiter's atmosphere.

Clyde's Spot

Astronomy in Space with David Dickinson

Amateur Astronomer Discovers "Clyde's Spot" on Jupiter

The discovery of a new feature on Jupiter gave NASA’s Juno mission an opportunity to image an emerging storm up close.

New cyclone joins Jupiter's south pole

Solar System

New Cyclone Joins Jupiter’s South Pole Club

Stunning new images from NASA’s Juno mission reveal that a new cyclone has budged its way into the grouping at Jupiter’s south pole.

Jupiter, color-enhanced

Space Missions

Jupiter’s Magnetic Field Has Weird Structure

Juno observations reveal that Jupiter’s magnetic field has a wacky plume.

Jupiter's South Pole

Space Missions

Amazing Storms, Jet Streams on Jupiter

NASA’s Juno spacecraft has found breathtaking cyclones at Jupiter’s poles and probed how deep the planet’s jet streams go.

Jupiter's Great Red Spot

Solar System

Juno Probes Depths of the Great Red Spot

NASA’s Juno spacecraft peeked under the clouds of the most iconic weather feature in the solar system, Jupiter’s Great Red Spot, revealing a complex structure deep below the surface.

Jupiter white spot

Astronomy in Space with David Dickinson

Juno: Surprises in First Science Results

From its dynamic atmosphere to its hidden depths, the Juno spacecraft has Jupiter as never before — surprising NASA scientists with unexpected complexity.

Jupiter's south pole

Astronomy in Space with David Dickinson

Juno Will Stay in Current Orbit Around Jupiter

NASA has announced that its Juno spacecraft will remain in a wide-ranging orbit around Jupiter, extending the mission's lifetime.

Juno at Jupiter

Astronomy in Space with David Dickinson

Juno Swoops Past Jupiter's South Pole

NASA's Juno spacecraft continues to give us amazing views of Jupiter, now from its fourth perijove pass.


Solar System

NASA's Juno Suffers Engine Anomaly, Briefly Enters Safe Mode

Engineers have decided to keep the Jupiter probe, Juno, in its current orbit until an issue with its engine can be addressed.

Jupiter aurora

Space Missions

Juno Makes First Science Pass at Jupiter

On August 27th, NASA's Juno made its closest pass to the giant planet — here's what we learned.

Juno engine burn animation

Solar System

NASA's Juno Probe Reaches Jupiter

After a 5-year-long journey, NASA's latest emissary to the largest planet in the solar system has arrived at its destination.