161–180 of 1,205 results

Solar System

New Target for Asteroid Probe: “Potentially Hazardous” Apophis

Once the primary mission of NASA's OSIRIS-REx is complete, the spacecraft will head toward a new destination: near-Earth asteroid Apophis.

Bright Lyrid

Explore the Night with Bob King

Celebrate Spring with the Lyrids

People have been watching the annual Lyrid meteor shower for more than 2,700 years. Come join the crowd!

Decadal Survey

Astronomy in Space with David Dickinson

What's in Store for the Next Decade of Planetary Science

Big winners in the planetary science decadal survey include a Uranus flagship mission, a orbiter and lander for Enceladus, and an emphasis on planetary defense.

an aerial shot of the earth at night with bright yellow lights on a dark background

Cosmic Relief with David Grinspoon

Searching for Intelligence on Earth

Space exploration can serve as an antidote to war. And vice versa.

Why We Look Up with Jennifer Willis

Starlit Legacy

Share the joy of stargazing and become part of the legacy of astronomy.

Comet ATLAS (C/2019 L3)

Night Sky Sights

Comets to View in 2022

Like comets? We've got 11 frozen fuzzies to share with you in the coming months, including a couple that could become fine binocular objects.

Saturn 2011 Cassini

Explore the Night with Bob King

Will Saturn Sprout Spots this Observing Season?

As Saturn returns to the morning sky, will this otherwise serene-looking planet experience another bout of severe weather? Keep your eyes peeled for white spots!

OneWeb Launch

Space Missions

Russia-Ukraine War: Impacts on Space (Updates)

Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine has far-reaching consequences for spaceflight and the international space community.

Cosmic Relief with David Grinspoon

Grave Expectations

We can try to devise rules for how detecting alien life should unfold, but E.T. might not play along.

Apollo 17 sample

Astronomy in Space with David Dickinson

How Apollo 17 Is Preparing Artemis for a Return to the Moon

Researchers gear up for Artemis and a new generation of lunar exploration, with a look at samples from the final crewed mission to the Moon.

Mars Hope

Astronomy in Space with David Dickinson

Update from the Hope Probe at Mars

The United Arab Emirates' Hope Probe, on a wide orbit around Mars, provides views of the dynamic Red Planet.

The Pleiades

Why We Look Up with Jennifer Willis

Relief for What Ails You

We’re drawn to the night sky for different reasons. Wonder. Joy. Discovery. And sometimes, for relief.

big, bright, bluish star surrounded by a disk and near a second big, bright bluish star

Stellar Science

“Closest Black Hole” Doesn’t Exist, After All

Astronomers combined forces to confirm that a black hole proposed to lie a mere 1,000 light-years away isn’t really there.

Full moon and Earth shadow

Explore the Night with Bob King

Uncovering Secrets of Earth's Shadow

The daily rising and setting of Earth's shadow is a beautiful sight anyone on the planet can view. It's also an opportunity to witness the rapid changes that accompany sunset or sunrise, but at the opposite end of the sky.

a green-blue curled worm looking being

Cosmic Relief with David Grinspoon

Interstellar Stowaways

Could microorganisms travel between the stars?

a large flat purple and gold disc in front of an orange orb on a black background

Black Holes

Black Hole Spins Crookedly

Astronomers have found a black hole leaning decidedly askew in its orbit with a star.

Southern Milky Way gazing

Explore the Night with Bob King

Reveling in the Winter Milky Way

With the Moon departing the evening sky, now's a good time for a closer look at the northern winter Milky Way and its southern summer counterpart, too. No equipment required!

Lunar impact site on the Moon's farside

Astronomy in Space with David Dickinson

Booster Set to Hit the Moon Turns Out to be Chinese Rocket (Updates)

The booster previously identified as SpaceX hardware turns out to be from the Chang’e 5-T1 mission. The timing and site of the impact remain the same.


Astronomy in Space with David Dickinson

Space Storm Knocks Out Latest Batch of Starlink Satellites

A minor space storm took down much of the latest Starlink batch shortly after launch.

Jupiter and GRS

Why We Look Up with Jennifer Willis

The Comfort and Delight of Celestial “Reruns”

Seeing the same target again has the comfort of a beloved rerun, while offering the opportunity for new discoveries.