181–200 of 1,207 results

Space Missions

Space Storm Knocks Out Latest Batch of Starlink Satellites

A minor space storm took down much of the latest Starlink batch shortly after launch.

Jupiter and GRS

Why We Look Up with Jennifer Willis

The Comfort and Delight of Celestial “Reruns”

Seeing the same target again has the comfort of a beloved rerun, while offering the opportunity for new discoveries.

Observing the stars

Explore the Night with Bob King

See the Sun from Other Stars

We journey to distant suns to look back at our solar system and see its place among the stars.

Lunar impact site on the Moon's farside

Astronomy in Space with David Dickinson

SpaceX Rocket Booster to Hit the Moon on March 4th

A discarded Falcon 9 upper stage rocket booster will impact Hertzsprung Crater on the lunar farside on March 4th.


Space Missions

The James Webb Space Telescope Has Arrived at Its Destination

Fully deployed, the James Webb Space Telescope arrived at its new home today, in a halo orbit around the Earth-Sun L2 Lagrange point.

Mare Orientale gravity map

Celestial Objects to Observe

Set Your Sights on This Lunar Bull’s-Eye

Go ahead, live on the edge: Grab your chance this month to see Mare Orientale, one of the most spectacular lunar seas most people have never seen.

Space Missions

Interstellar Probe Proposed to Explore the Solar Neighborhood

A unique mission concept known as Interstellar Probe would venture beyond the solar system and probe our neighborhood environment.

Cosmic Relief with David Grinspoon

Many Happy Returns

Venus’s eight-year cycle has the author dreaming of 2029.

Asteroid makes close approach

Celestial News & Events

Watch an Asteroid Race Across the Sky

The kilometer-wide, potentially hazardous asteroid 1994 PC1 will fly past Earth on January 18th. Good news on two counts: It won't hit us, and it's bright enough to see in a 4-inch telescope.


Astronomy in Space with David Dickinson

Deployment of the James Webb Space Telescope Is Complete

The James Webb Space Telescope has unfolded its primary mirror, marking the end of the deployment phase for the observatory.

Why We Look Up with Jennifer Willis

Stargazing with Ice Cold Enthusiasm

A new year — and a clear sky — offers a chance to reconnect with a passion for stargazing.

Comet 19P/Borrelly on Dec. 30, 2021

Explore the Night with Bob King

Comet-seeking on Cold, Crunchy Nights

Did the recent apparition of Comet Leonard whet your appetite for more of these beautiful unpredictables? Here are five more you can see with your telescope this season.


Astronomy in Space with David Dickinson

Spaceflight 2022: Missions to Watch in the Coming Year

The New Year will see missions returning to the Moon and much more.

Comet Leonard on Dec. 24, 2021


Comet Leonard: A Gift at Christmastime

Multiple bright outbursts have transformed Comet Leonard into a stunning photographic object that’s also visible without optical aid from southern locations. More disruptions are likely in store as it approaches perihelion.


Space Missions

The James Webb Space Telescope Is Headed to Space

Over a generation in the making, the James Webb Space Telescope is finally headed for space.

Venus full circle

Astronomy & Observing News

Venus Farewell, Moonless Skies for the Quadrantids

Venus presents a stunning crescent at dusk before switching over to the morning sky early next month. After dodging the Moon for the Geminids, it's dark skies all around for the Quadrantid meteor shower.

Long focal length telescopes

Astrophotography: Tips & Techniques

Long Focal Length Telescopes for Astrophotography

Long focal length scopes are usually discouraged for beginner deep sky astrophotography, but solar system imagers need that extra focal length reach.


Astronomy in Space with David Dickinson

What Will the James Webb Space Telescope Uncover?

The soon-to-be-launched James Webb Space Telescope should shed light on exoplanet atmospheres and peer back to the universe's first stars.

Labeled Big Dipper

Why We Look Up with Jennifer Willis

A Memorial in the Stars

Stargazers can find solace for grief in the stars.

Explore the Night with Bob King

Precious Hours with the Geminids

At first glance, the annual Geminid meteor shower appears to be on a collision course with a bright Moon. But a closer look reveals a happy window of dark skies.