Three distant galaxies imaged by the James Webb Space Telescope might actually be “dark stars” powered by dark matter annihilation, claims a team of astronomers.

Three red smudges could be distant galaxies or dark stars
These three objects (JADES-GS-z13-0, JADES-GS-z12-0, and JADES-GS-z11-0) were originally identified as galaxies in December 2022 by the JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey (JADES). Now, a team of astronomers speculates these objects might actually be “dark stars,” theoretical objects much bigger and brighter than our Sun, powered by dark matter annihilation.

A trio of astrophysicists has identified three possible “dark stars” — stars powered by dark matter rather than fusion — skulking in James Webb Space Telescope observations of the early universe. If true – and right now that's a big if – it could solve multiple cosmological puzzles at once.

Despite launching less than two years ago, Webb is already tantalizing astronomers with unexpected results. Astronomers have used it to look back to a few hundred million years after the Big Bang and they quickly found that too many bright galaxies had already formed, earlier than our standard cosmological models predict. There were also indications that some early galaxies were too massive, but that hasn't panned out as the JWST JADES survey progressed.

What if some of these unexpected galaxies aren't galaxies at all? That’s what Cosmin Ilie and Jillian Paulin (both Colgate University) and Katherine Freese (University of Texas at Austin) suggest in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. They argue that three “galaxies” seen with Webb could in fact be single, supermassive stars powered by dark matter.

The primary evidence is that these light sources appear unresolved — in other words, whatever’s emitting the light is very small in size. The light in different wavebands also matches what theorists, including Freese, had predicted for dark stars.

“Discovering a new type of star is pretty interesting all by itself, but discovering it’s dark matter that’s powering this — that would be huge,” Freese says.

Dark matter is one the biggest mysteries in cosmology. Often astronomers need an extra source of gravity to help bind structures in the universe together, so they invoke the presence of an invisible glue that's been around since the beginning of the universe.

For decades the leading candidate for dark matter has been weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs). When two WIMPs meet, they can annihilate, converting their mass into energy. If WIMPS do indeed exist, here's a possible scenario for how things could have unfolded in the early universe.

Primitive clouds of hydrogen would have been laced with WIMPs, at a level of about 0.1% . As those clouds collapsed under their own gravitational pull, WIMP annihilations ramped up and the energy released heated the cloud. This prevented the cloud from collapsing far enough to reach the temperatures and pressures required for fusion, the normal nuclear reactions that power stars. Instead of an ordinarystar, the cloud would have formed an enormous dark star, powered entirely by dark matter annihilations.

“One dark star has enough light to compete with an entire galaxy of stars,” Freese says, who helped name these objects after Grateful Dead’s song “Dark Star.” Theoretically, they could grow to millions of times the mass of the Sun and shine 10 billion times as brightly. At first glance they could even be mistaken for protogalaxies.

For Illie this has been a long time coming. “We predicted back in 2012 that supermassive dark stars could be observed with JWST,” he says. “I am confident we will soon identify many more [dark star candidates].”

Candidates is the operative word here. The team aren't claiming to have found dark stars just yet, only that the three objects are "consistent” with being dark stars. “Proposing something entirely new is always less probable,” Freese says. “But if some of these objects that look like early galaxies are actually dark stars, the simulations of galaxy formation agree better with observations.” Another strength of this idea is that it invokes the most ordinary type of dark matter, without introducing even more exotic physics.

“Dark stars are a very plausible consequence of our current cosmological model,” says Tanja Rindler-Daller (University of Vienna, Austria), who was not involved in the research. “High-quality spectra at redshifts beyond z ~ 10 will be required in order to determine finally whether they exist,” she adds. Illie's team argue that a helium-II absorption feature at 1640 Å would be a tell-tale characteristic of a hot, supermassive dark star.

“I don't think the evidence presented is especially in favor of dark stars, but it does not rule it out,” says Alexander Ji (University of Chicago), who was also not involved in the research. “If confirmed, this could completely change our picture of the early universe, as well as provide clear constraints on the nature of dark matter. So it's a small chance of a huge impact.”


Image of accurateye


July 19, 2023 at 10:31 am

A thought. If we postulate that electromagnetic matter-energy now observed is merely a limited remnant of original energy, then our "physics" might be limited to that remnant, plus gravity and space-time. That is: photons and matter are the waste from earlier energy interactions that resulted in "dark matter" webbing, and supermassive black holes.

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Image of Rod


July 19, 2023 at 12:28 pm

A very interesting report. I used Ned Wright cosmology calculator, H0=69.6 km/s/Mpc, z=13.0 for age of universe and light-time distance from Earth today. The comoving radial distance = 33.287 Gly, angular size distance with 1 arcsecond scale size = 3.534 kpc. Does JWST find galaxies and objects with redshifts about 13.0 that map accurately to the 1 arcsecond scale used in the cosmology calculators? Food for thought.

The paper very interesting. Supermassive Dark Star candidates seen by JWST,, 11-July-2023. "Significance In 2007, we proposed the idea of Dark Stars. The first phase of stellar evolution in the history of the universe may be Dark Stars (DS), powered by dark matter (DM) heating rather than by nuclear fusion. Although made almost entirely of hydrogen and helium from the Big Bang, they form at the centers of protogalaxies where there is a sufficient abundance of DM to serve as their heat source. They are very bright diffuse puffy objects and grow to be very massive. In fact, they can grow up to ten million solar masses with up to ten billion solar luminosities. In this paper, we show that the James Webb Space Telescope may have already discovered these objects..."

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Image of Brian of DRAA

Brian of DRAA

July 22, 2023 at 8:44 am

Rod, thanks for this direction.

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Image of Yaron Sheffer

Yaron Sheffer

July 20, 2023 at 7:40 am

I propose that these stars are made of darkons. With a mixture of axions, for sure.

The original darkon theory was presented here:

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Image of Lou


July 20, 2023 at 7:49 am

So what happened to Occam's Razor? 😉

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Image of robin_astro


July 21, 2023 at 5:57 pm

I thought one of the fundamental properties of dark matter was that it could not collapse under gravity because it cannot radiate away the heat generated and hence forms halos around concentrations of normal matter eg galaxies. Are there any peer reviewed references describing how these these proposed "Dark Stars" might form ?

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Image of DSailing


July 22, 2023 at 8:11 am

I believe the controlling theory here is the Virial Theorem which does prove that you cannot collapse without expelling energy. However, radiation is not the only way to expel energy. Globular Clusters expel energy by ejecting stars. I would assume Dark Stars would collapse by ejecting particles of mass from it.
In three body elastic collisions (such as gravitational interactions), the three bodies can and do transfer energy between them. Moons are trapped that way and satellites get gravitational assist that way. Planets can also be expelled that way.
Since dark matter and atoms can interact gravitationally, a dark star could collapse by ejecting either of those via elastic collisions.

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Image of Brian of DRAA

Brian of DRAA

July 22, 2023 at 8:16 am

Colin, I understand that this is highly speculative cosmology, but this report produces more questions than it answers:
1) Why is the DM component so low? ("Primitive clouds of hydrogen would have been laced with WIMPs, at a level of about 0.1%", while DM is now responsible for 5 times the baryon mass).
2) What happened to the Darkstars? Normal stars form and the radiation from fusion eventually pushes away the nebula gas ending accretion and the star's mass is maintained until its death. DM does not interact with EM radiation so as a Darkstar forms and burns, it should (I think) continue to gain DM mass unabated and continue to burn brighter and brighter until all the local DM is burned at the core of the Darkstar. What mechanism causes the death of Darkstars? This question feeds into a long-time issue I’ve had with DM halos; what prevents DM from collapsing into a tiny ball or perhaps Black Hole? Why are DM halos so large and not made tiny under their own mutual gravity?
Please shed light on this issue, cheers, Brian

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Image of DSailing


July 22, 2023 at 12:27 pm

Perhaps these articles might answer some of your questions.
Dark Stars: A New Look at the First Stars in the Universe, 2009
Dark Stars: A Review, 2016

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Image of Brian of DRAA

Brian of DRAA

August 8, 2023 at 9:15 am

Thanks DSailing, I'm checking those leads out! Brian

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