Familiar analog

Stargazing Basics

Stargazing Forecast: Will You Have Clear Skies Tonight?

These websites and apps can help you forecast the astronomical observing conditions for your next night out.

Stargazer's Corner: Adventures Under the Night Sky

Sketching Celestial Observations

Why, and how, you should sketch your observations through a telescope.

Seven Sisters rise again this month

Explore the Night with Bob King

How Many Pleiades Can YOU See?

Most of us are familiar with the Seven Sisters, but have you met their brothers? Learn how to find more Pleiades than first meet the eye.

Celestial News & Events

Venus Passes the Pleiades

Venus is passing through the Pleiades in a breathtaking spectacle that reaches its peak on April 3rd. This unique pairing is part of a series of Venus events in 2012, culminating in the June transit of the Sun.

Celestial News & Events

Star Cluster/Comet Encounter

On Sunday evening Comet LINEAR (C/2006 VZ13) passes within kissing distance of the great globular star cluster Messier 3.

Stargazing with Tony Flanders

Galaxies and Clusters and Comet, Oh My!

A summer night in the Boston exurbs proves surprisingly rewarding.