121–140 of 612 results
Clouds in the Milky Way halo (art)

Milky Way

Take a Deep Look into the Milky Way Halo

New analysis shows the best view of the Milky Way halo to date, providing a window into our galaxy's future star formation.


Black Holes

60-second Astro News: White Dwarfs Still Burn, Black Holes Merge

This week in astronomy news, we learn that some white dwarfs still burn and image X-rays from black holes almost 12 billion light-years away.

Star with planet

Stellar Science

Astro News: Planet-eating Stars and an Accidental Brown Dwarf

This week in astronomy news: A citizen scientist happens upon a weird, ancient brown dwarf and astronomers discover that Sun-like stars eat their own planets.

Zoomed-in view of barred spiral galaxy NGC 4921


Watch Black Holes Grow, Galaxies Fall

Watch black holes grow and galaxies fall — astro photos and visualizations to get you through the week.

New model of Saturn's interior

Solar System

Saturn Has a Fuzzy Core, Too

New research reveals that Saturn, like Jupiter, has a “fuzzy” core that extends 60% of the way to its surface, a finding that is changing how astronomers think about giant planets.

Black hole accretion disk

Black Holes

How Black Holes Eat Reveals Their Mass

No one knows why quasars flicker — but astronomers are using these wavering beacons to "weigh" the black holes that power them.

Mars interior

Solar System

NASA's Insight Reveals First Look Inside Mars

The Insight mission science team has used about 10 deep marsquakes to take stock of the planet's anatomy.

Orphan cloud seen in X-rays and visible light


Lost & Found: Milky Way-size "Orphan Cloud"

Astronomers have found a giant gas cloud, likely stripped from its parent galaxy long ago, in a cluster 330 million light-years away.

Smallest white dwarf comparison to Moon

Stellar Science

Moon-size White Dwarf Is the Smallest Ever Found

Astronomers have discovered a white dwarf only slightly bigger than the Moon, making it the smallest ever found. It might even be on the edge of collapse.


Galaxies That Evolve Together But Don’t Stay Together

A study of 36 dwarf galaxies within a volume of space spanning 13 million light-years show they all have remarkably similar histories despite the vast distances between them.

Epsilon Aurigae model

Stellar Science

The Giant Star That "Blinked"

Astronomers are trying to understand why a giant star "blinked," fading almost completely before brightening again over the course of about 200 days.


Stellar Science

Number of Known Mysterious Radio Flashes Nearly Quadruples

The CHIME telescope has released its first catalog with 492 unique sources of fast radio bursts, the brief flashes of radio waves that have been intriguing astronomers over the past decade.

Galactic center


Astronomy in Pictures: Unraveling Galaxies and Clyde's Spot

This week in astronomy pictures: Peer into our galaxy's busy core, watch Clyde's Spot unravel at Jupiter, and see a stunning Hubble photo of a lopsided galaxy.

Illustration of surface of planet orbiting Barnard's star


Astronomers Challenge Claim of Planet Around Barnard's Star

Astronomers thought a super-Earth might orbit nearby Barnard's star. But a new study disputes that claim, arguing that stellar activity might be masquerading as the planetary signal.

Infrared Jupiter

Solar System

Sights and Sounds of the Solar System

Spacecraft are returning sights and sounds from Venus, Jupiter, and beyond — here's a sampling.

Neutron star

Stellar Science

What’s Inside Neutron Stars?

Size measurements of two neutron stars have narrowed down what kinds of exotic matter might exist in their extremely dense cores.

The Large Magellanic Cloud's

Milky Way

Dark Matter "Wake" in the Milky Way's Outer Reaches

Astronomers have discovered that a satellite of the Milky Way has left a "wake" in the dark matter halo that surrounds our galaxy.

Proxima Centauri flare

Stellar Science

Proxima Centauri Releases Powerful Flare

The Sun dwarfs its nearest stellar neighbor, but Proxima Centauri's flares pack a comparatively energetic punch.

Crab Nebula

Stellar Science

Crab Pulsar's Mystery Bursts Are Even More Powerful Than We Thought

The Crab Nebula pulsar has sporadically bursted for decades. Now, astronomers have found these mysterious bursts release even more energy than thought.

NGC 1365


Astronomers Use AI to Investigate Quasars and Galaxies Galore

New applications of machine learning have enabled astronomers to classify 27 million galaxies and pick out a dozen rare quadruply lensed quasars.
