241–260 of 475 results
A Gravitationally Unstable Circumstellar Disk (Model)

Stellar Science

Stars Form in Turbulent Times

New images of four circumstellar disks suggest that the star formation process is much more violent than previously thought.

red giants and magnetic fields

Stellar Science

Old Stars' Fossil Fields

Astronomers have confirmed that strong magnetic fields are frozen in place deep inside aging stars called red giants.


Stellar Science

Brightest Supernova Baffles Astronomers

The most luminous supernova ever discovered, ASASSN-15lh, challenges a popular theory for blazingly bright exploding stars.

Eta Carinae twins in M83

Stellar Science

Spotting "Twins" of Superstar Eta Carinae

Astronomers looking for clones of a massive and famously unstable star in the Southern Hemisphere sky have found five in other galaxies.

Artist's conception of star formation

Stellar Science

New Clues in Cooking up Planets and Stars

An early peak at a forming star system reveals tantalizing clues about its origin.

Zeta Ophiuchi's shock wave

Stellar Science

Telltale Shock Waves from Runaway Stars

Astronomers are now finding dozens of fast-moving runaway stars by searching for the bow shocks they create in interstellar gas and dust.

Supernova Refsdal's fifth image

Stellar Science

Astronomers Predict a Supernova

For the first time, astronomers have predicted the appearance of a supernova.

herbig-haro object from star wars

Stellar Science

Newborn Star Puts on Star Wars Show

Infrared observations by the Hubble Space Telescope reveal jets from forming stars.

Artist rendering of 42 Draconis

Solar System

New Star and Exoplanet Names OK'd by IAU

Following a wildly popular contest, the International Astronomical Union has named 14 stars and 31 planets that orbit them.

Supernova simulation

Stellar Science

Simulation Sees Supernova Innards

A new computer simulation provides a brief glimpse at what makes stellar bombs tick.

Rotating disk encircling AFGL 4173

Stellar Science

The Origin of Massive Stars

High-mass stars may outshine and outweigh the Sun, but observations show all stars may have had a similar beginning.

M87 galaxy


Astronomers Take Galaxy’s Pulse

Astronomers have caught a giant elliptical galaxy “shimmering” as its stars pulsate.

Tarantula Nebula pulsars


Pulsars' Gamma Rays Highlight Mysteries

The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has discovered that almost all of the highest energy photons in the Large Magellanic Cloud come from two pulsars.

XX Triangulum

Stellar Science

Seeing Spots on a Red Giant Star

Astronomers have gathered enough observations to produce an exquisite image of another star’s surface.

Red giant star

Stellar Science

The Inner Workings of Red Giant Stars

New research connects stellar pulsations to these stars’ inner, unobservable magnetic fields.

Asteroid breakup (artwork)

Space Missions

The Curious Case of KIC 8462852

The Kepler spacecraft recorded a bunch of irregular dimmings around one of its target stars, designated KIC 8462852. No natural phenomenon explains the dips well.

Draconid radiant

Celestial News & Events

October's Unpredictable Draconid Meteors

Watch for any slow, unusual meteors starting at nightfall tonight and tomorrow.

white dwarf illustration

Stellar Science

White Dwarf Stars with Hiccups

Observations of two cool white dwarfs show irregular outbursts in the stars’ otherwise steady rhythm of pulsations.

Stellar Science

Twin Stars Simplify Distance Measurements

A new technique that relies on identifying stellar twins yields a novel way to measure the distances to stars.

Gaia14aae, artist's conception

Astronomy in Space with David Dickinson

Amateurs Help Discover Rare Eclipsing Binary

A collaboration of amateur and professional astronomers has uncovered a rare variety of eclipsing binary star - and a supernova in the making.