701–720 of 6,127 results
Canis Minor

Meet the Stars

Meet Procyon, Orion’s Littler Dog

Meet Procyon, the brightest of the few stars in Canis Minor, the Lesser Dog. On its way to becoming a giant, this star is part of the Winter Triangle and Wniter Hexagon asterisms.

Venus (radar image vs artist's concept of oceans)

Solar System

The History of Venus in Air, Rock, and Water

Forty years ago, NASA's Magellan mission “closed the book” on Venus. Now, a new generation of astronomers think the planet next door deserves a second chance.

ISS view of Earth at night

Astronomy and Society

Is “Slow Science” the Answer to Astronomy's Carbon Footprint?

The first quantitative assessment of professional telescopes’ carbon footprint finds that these facilities contribute more emissions than all other astronomy research activities combined.

Venus, Mars, Saturn at dawn, March 19, 2022

Celestial News & Events

This Week's Sky at a Glance, March 18 – 26

Sirius sparkles on the corner of the Meat Cleaver, two open clusters hide under the Cleaver's handle, Orion's Belt levels out for the turning of spring, and Venus, Mars and Saturn slow-dance at dawn.


Stellar Science

Pulsar Shoots 7-light-year-long Phaser Blast

Nature proves truth is still stranger than fiction: A pulsar has shot energetic particles in a thin, straight line that extends for light-years into space. The discovery might explain how antimatter makes its way to Earth.

Saturn 2011 Cassini

Explore the Night with Bob King

Will Saturn Sprout Spots this Observing Season?

As Saturn returns to the morning sky, will this otherwise serene-looking planet experience another bout of severe weather? Keep your eyes peeled for white spots!

OneWeb Launch

Space Missions

Russia-Ukraine War: Impacts on Space (Updates)

Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine has far-reaching consequences for spaceflight and the international space community.

a white planet with orange and green strip against a black background


First Look at an Unusual Exoplanet’s Atmosphere

AAS Nova reports on a "super-puff" exoplanet that's nearly 15 times less dense than Jupiter.

Space Missions

Mission Update: Mars and the Moon

Mission teams presenting at this week's Lunar and Planetary Science Conference provided updates on the Perseverance and Zhurong rovers at Mars, Chang'e 5's lunar sample return, and more.

Moon crossing Gemini, March 11-13, 2022

This Week's Sky At a Glance

This Week's Sky at a Glance, March 11 – 19

Sirius, bright dogtag of Canis Major, offers observing challenges day and night. The Big Dipper balances Cassiopeia, and the nearly full Moon occults a Leo star.

Apollo 17 sample

Solar System

How Apollo 17 Is Preparing Artemis for a Return to the Moon

Researchers gear up for Artemis and a new generation of lunar exploration, with a look at samples from the final crewed mission to the Moon.

Dimethyl ether detection in protoplanetary disk


Largest Molecule Yet Found in Planet-forming Disk

The detection of a complex organic molecule in the disk around an infant star suggests prebiotic chemistry starts in the space between stars.

Asteroids in space

Solar System

How Many Moons Can an Asteroid Have?

The discovery of the first quadruple asteroid system raises the question: Is there a limit to how many moons an asteroid can have?

Mars Hope

Astronomy in Space with David Dickinson

Update from the Hope Probe at Mars

The United Arab Emirates' Hope Probe, on a wide orbit around Mars, provides views of the dynamic Red Planet.

Moon passing Aldebaran and the Pleiades, March 8-9, 2022

This Week's Sky At a Glance

This Week's Sky at a Glance, March 4 – 12

Evenings see the crescent Moon return, Sirius at its peak in the south, and the Dipper and Cassiopeia in balance toward the north. For planets, look to the dawn.

big, bright, bluish star surrounded by a disk and near a second big, bright bluish star

Stellar Science

“Closest Black Hole” Doesn’t Exist, After All

Astronomers combined forces to confirm that a black hole proposed to lie a mere 1,000 light-years away isn’t really there.

Shackleton Crater

Night Sky Sights

Meet Shackleton Crater: Future Moon Landing Site

Shackleton Crater at the lunar south pole is a site of future exploration — and you can even see it through your telescope during favorable librations.

Full moon and Earth shadow

Explore the Night with Bob King

Uncovering Secrets of Earth's Shadow

The daily rising and setting of Earth's shadow is a beautiful sight anyone on the planet can view. It's also an opportunity to witness the rapid changes that accompany sunset or sunrise, but at the opposite end of the sky.

Spiral galaxy NGC 1097, close-up on central region


Magnetic "Spoon" Feeds Supermassive Black Hole

Astronomers have imaged the magnetic field along which gas flows to a galaxy's central black hole.

Moon-Venus-Mars-Saturn March 27-28

Sky Tour Astronomy Podcast

March: Sirius in the Spotlight

Whether you’re just getting started in astronomy or simply looking to do some casual sky-watching, our monthly Sky Tour astronomy podcast provides an informative and entertaining 12-minute guided tour of the nighttime sky. Download the March episode to find and learn about Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky.