441–460 of 1,113 results
Portrayal of 'Oumuamua (1I/2017 U1)

Solar System

`Oumuamua: Red, Tumbling, and Silent

Astronomers' recent observations of our first-known interstellar visitor reveal that it is very strange indeed.

Meteor trail over Chelyabinsk

Solar System

AGU 2017: News from the Solar System

­­­Here's a quick look at results announced at the 2017 American Geophysical Union meeting in New Orleans: exploding meteoroids, Saturn's ring-atmosphere connection, and more bright spots on Ceres.

Solar System

Does New Horizons’ Target Have a Moon? (Update: Nope)

New analysis from the New Horizons team suggest that the spacecraft's next target in the Kuiper Belt might have a third companion.

Jupiter's Great Red Spot

Solar System

Juno Probes Depths of the Great Red Spot

NASA’s Juno spacecraft peeked under the clouds of the most iconic weather feature in the solar system, Jupiter’s Great Red Spot, revealing a complex structure deep below the surface.

Magnetic field of Earth

Solar System

Why is Earth Magnetized and Venus Not?

A new analysis reveals that the gigantic impact that led to the Moon's formation might have also switched on Earth's magnetic field.

MMX mission

Solar System

NASA Joins Japanese Mission to Martian Moons

NASA is developing a key instrument for a mission to the Martian moons, Phobos and Deimos.

Interstellar object `Oumuamua

Solar System

Meet 'Oumuamua, the Interstellar Cigar

Rapid-response observations by major observatories shows that the first-known interstellar visitor is 10 times longer than it is wide.

Distant visitor

Solar System

Update on `Oumuamua, Our First Interstellar Object

The arrival of an object from beyond the solar system caught astronomers by surprise — but that doesn't mean that they were unprepared to study it.

Mars' twisted magnetic fields

Solar System

A Twisted Tail of Martian Magnetism

Observations from NASA's MAVEN spacecraft reveal that the solar wind causes unexpected interactions with the Red Planet's weak magnetism.

Full Easter Moon

Astronomy in Space with David Dickinson

How Bright is the Moon . . . Exactly?

An upcoming study will take the old calibration standard of the Moon's brightness to a new level of precision.

Orbit of Comet PanSTARRS (C/2017 U1)

Solar System

Astronomers Spot First-Known Interstellar "Comet"

Telescopes only picked it up a week ago, but it's likely been traveling through interstellar space for millions of years.

Lunar flashes seen by NELIOTA project

Solar System

New High-End Search for Lunar Impacts

A professional observatory in Greece has begun recording flashes created when bits of interplanetary debris strike the Moon.

Saturn rings finale

Space Missions

Surprising Science from Cassini's Grand Finale

You'd think scientists would have Saturn all figured out after watching it up close for 13 years. They don't.

Haumea and its ring

Solar System

Surprise! Dwarf Planet Haumea Has a Ring

When the distant dwarf planet Haumea briefly slipped in front of a star last January, astronomers found more than they expected.

Moon's ancient atmosphere

Solar System

Ancient Moon Had Atmosphere Made of Volcano Smoke

Roughly 3.5 billion years ago huge volcanoes released enough gas to cover the Moon with a thin atmosphere that was visible from Earth.

2012 TC4 passing Earth

Astronomy in Space with David Dickinson

Asteroid 2012 TC4 To Zip Past Earth This Week

The close pass of near-Earth asteroid 2012 TC4 this week will give NASA a chance to test planetary-defense coordination.

Icy weirdness on par with Pluto

Solar System

Neptune's Moon Triton to Occult Star

Here’s an opportunity for amateurs to help improve our understanding of Neptune’s moon Triton.

Solar Eclipse 2017

Solar System

Millions of Americans Viewed August Solar Eclipse

The 2017 solar eclipse could easily be the most watched event in US history. Can we learn something from it?

water in lunar regolith

Solar System

New Map of Water in Moon Dust

A new analysis maps out water across the lunar surface, revealing how its abundance changes with latitude.

Space Missions

Cassini Is Gone: Its Legacy and the Future

After 13 years of orbiting the Saturn system, and 4.9 billion miles logged, the Cassini mission has ended, vaporized on re-entry into the ringed planet.