121–140 of 494 results

Astrophotography with Jerry Lodriguss

How to Remove Light Pollution from Your Astro Images

Find out how to remove light pollution from your astrophotos so you can have dark skies instead of red-brown ones.

Orbital Path Podcasts with Michelle Thaller

Orbital Path Podcast: Making Gravitational Waves

The universe sings to us in gravitational waves, and we're starting to listen. Michelle Thaller discusses the discovery of gravitational waves and their unusual effects in her latest astronomy podcast.

Messier Observer's Planisphere

Stargazing Basics

Learn Constellations with a Planisphere

How do you find out what stars are visible tonight? With a planisphere or "star wheel." It's easy!

Astrophotography: Tips & Techniques

How to White Balance Your Astrophotos

You'll capture the night sky as it truly looks when you learn how to establish a proper white balance in your DSLR astrophotos.

Earth on October 19, 2015

Orbital Path Podcasts with Michelle Thaller

Orbital Path Podcast: Lessons in Landslides

Earth is a planet, too! Dr. Michelle Thaller explores how NASA investigates Earth using space-based satellites, and how that knowledge can save lives.

A Restless Supermassive Black Hole

Science-based Q&A

The Kavli Foundation Q&A: How Did the First Quasars Form?

Thanks to a record haul of new, ultra-distant quasars—powerhouses of light from the farthest reaches of the universe—astrophysicists can now piece together the rise of mighty objects in the early cosmos.

Orbital Path Podcasts with Michelle Thaller

Orbital Path Podcast: Space Robots to Europa!

Dr. Michelle Thaller talks to two NASA astrobiologists on when and how we'll explore Europa's subsurface ocean, and what we might find there.

Gemini on Sky Atlas 2000.0

Learning About the Sky

How to Use a Star Chart with a Telescope

Here's what you need to know to navigate the heavens with a telescope and star atlas.

Astrophotography with Jerry Lodriguss

Removing Purple Star Halos

Purple halos around stars can be a problem when shooting with inexpensive camera lenses and telescopes. Here's how to fix them.

Astrophotography with Jerry Lodriguss

Why and How to Dither Your Astro Images

In astrophotography, to dither means to shift the pointing of the telescope slightly in random directions between exposures. Here's how it works, and why you should use it.

Earth on October 19, 2015

Orbital Path Podcasts with Michelle Thaller

Orbital Path Podcast: Averting Disaster in the Ozone Layer

Dr. Michelle Thaller explores the story of how scientists discovered that the ozone layer was disappearing and how they moved to save it — and avert catastrophe.

Orion Card

Family Fun with Sky Watching

"Star Deck": It's All in the Cards

Here's a great free download that uses a deck of playing cards to introduce you to the night's sky's constellations in a fun, entertaining way.

Resources and Education

Annual Star Parties in North America

Here’s the info you’ll need to “save the date” for some of the top stargazing events in the U.S. and Canada for the coming year.

black hole illustration

Astronomy Questions & Answers

What’s Inside a Black Hole?

What’s inside a black hole? Wormholes? Alternate universes? If you fell into a black hole, only one thing’s for sure: its tidal forces would kill you.


Science-based Q&A

Black Hole Facts

Learn what a black hole is, what we mean by “singularity” and “ergosphere,” and why we think black holes are real.

Sky & Telescope's Pluto globe

Space Missions

Sky & Telescope's Pluto Globe is Here!

This beautifully detailed 6-inch globe lets you explore the amazing geology revealed by New Horizons during its historic 2015 flyby.

Mike Massimino

Orbital Path Podcasts with Michelle Thaller

Orbital Path Podcast: Warning! Space May Wreak Havoc on Your Body

Would you go into space if you knew your bones would turn into “pee brittle”? Dr. Michelle Thaller explores the effects of space on the human body.

Planet Nine orbit plots

Orbital Path Podcasts with Michelle Thaller

Orbital Path Podcast: In Search of Planet 9

Astronomers are debating the existence of a big planet beyond the orbits of Pluto and Neptune. Dr. Michelle Thaller talks with planetary scientists Scott Shepard and Mike Brown about when we'll discover it.

Astronomy Questions & Answers

What Will Osiris-REX Discover at Asteroid Bennu?

Osiris-REX recently began a 2-year journey to the asteroid Bennu. The Kavli Foundation spoke with three experts about what the spacecraft may discover.

Start taming the cable monster

Astrophotography: Tips & Techniques

Astrophotography: Cable Management

The art of astrophotography can quickly turn into the art of cable management. Learn how to tame the cable monster and get back to photographing the night sky.