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Celestial News & Events

The "Venus & Jupiter" Show

At the end of November and the beginning of December, the two brightest planets perform a dazzling dance in the evening twilight. On December 1st they're joined by the slender crescent Moon, which makes for a pretty trio in the Americas — and which will cover Venus in spectacular fashion for lucky skywatchers in Europe.

This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | November 21st, 2008

The Venus-and-Jupiter pairing is becoming ever more dramatic in the southwestern twilight, as these two brightest planets draw closer together toward their conjunction on November 30th and December 1st.


Another Direct Exoplanet Image

A tiny, glowing dot apparently orbits just inside the inner edge of the dusty debris disk surrounding the star Beta Pictoris, 64 light-years away.


This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | November 14th, 2008

Every day Venus and Jupiter are drawing closer together in twilight. And on Monday the 17th, Venus scrapes by a 2nd-magnitude star.


This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | November 7th, 2008

Venus and Jupiter, the two brightest planets, shine in the southwestern twilight, drawing closer together every day. Later at night, watch for Taurid fireballs!

This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | October 31st, 2008

Venus and Jupiter shine in twilight. Watch them drawing closer together every day. At dawn, Saturn shines high and Mercury low.


This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | October 24th, 2008

Venus has become easy to spot at dusk. Orange Antares near it is less so. At dawn, Mercury is having its best morning showing of the year, while Saturn is tipping its rings very nearly edge-on to your telescope's line of sight.


This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | October 17th, 2008

Venus climbs higher in twilight, and Antares creeps toward it. Saturn shines ever higher at dawn, and Mercury has begun its best morning apparition of the year.


This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | October 10th, 2008

Venus climbs higher in twilight, and Jupiter creeps toward it. Saturn shines ever higher at dawn, and Mercury now begins appearing far below it.


This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | October 3rd, 2008

Venus meets a double star in the sunset. Jupiter's shadow eclipses its moons several times. And before dawn, take a look at Saturn with its nearly edge-on rings!

This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | September 26th, 2008

Venus continues creeping up in the sunset, Jupiter is moving from south to southwest after dark, and Saturn now glows low in the dawn.

This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | September 19th, 2008

Venus is creeping slightly higher in the sunset, Jupiter is moving from south to southwest in the evening, and Saturn is emerging low in the dawn.

Celestial News & Events

Moon Crosses the Pleiades

On Friday night, September 19–20, observers in northeastern North America, eastern Canada, and western Europe have a fine chance to watch the Moon cover up stars in the Pleiades.


This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | September 12th, 2008

Venus, low in the sunset this week, has three faint companions hiding nearby: Mercury, Spica, and Mars. Use binoculars in bright twilight to follow their daily changes. After dark, Jupiter glares bright and obvious in the south to southwest.


Hubble Finds a Mystery Object

What was it? While monitoring a cluster of galaxies, the Hubble Space Telescope recorded what seems like a new class of astronomical object brightening and fading over six months.


This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | September 5th, 2008

Tiny little Mars passes brighter Venus low in the sunset this week. Bright Jupiter shines highest at dusk, offering occasional views of its Great Red Spot as it turns — and, for some observers, a double satellite shadow transit by its satellites.

Solar System

Perseids Hitting the Moon

Amateurs have helped lead the way in recording the flashes of meteoroids hitting the Moon's night side.


This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | August 29th, 2008

Venus is emerging low in the sunset, and right near it, you can use binoculars to catch Mercury and Mars. After dark, kingly-bright Jupiter dominates the south.


Exoplanet Search Strategies

What will be the best ways to discover extrasolar planets in the coming years? The best scientific payoffs demand smart planning now.


This Week's Sky At a Glance

Sky at a Glance | August 15th, 2008

Low in the sunset, Venus and Mercury pair up closely this week. Soon after dark, Jupiter shines at its highest in the south.
