561–580 of 1,113 results
Curiosity selfie

Solar System

Curiosity Sees Seasonal Trends on Mars

During two Martian years, Curiosity tracks seasonal patterns in atmosphere, temperature, and maybe even methane.

2006 Mercury transit close-up

Solar System

S&T Live Webcast: Transit of Mercury

Join in Monday, May 9th, as tiny Mercury crosses the Sun's disk for the first time since 2006. S&T's exclusive video feeds and expert interviews will air throughout the 7½-hour event.

Makemake and its moon

Solar System

A Moon for Kuiper Belt's Makemake

Astronomers have been searching for companions to the distant dwarf planet Makemake for years. Finally, they've spotted one.

Saturn's moons

Solar System

Saturn Moons Could Be Young

Planetary scientists have increasing reasons to think that some of the ringed giant’s moons are only 100 million years old.

Haze layers in Pluto's atmosphere

Solar System

Pluto's Atmosphere Confounds Researchers

Observations by NASA's New Horizons spacecraft, combined with new modeling of long-term trends, suggest that Pluto's atmosphere is far more dynamic than anyone imagined.

Mars gravity map

Solar System

Mars Gravity Map

By tracking deviations in spacecraft orbits, planetary scientists have created a high-resolution map of the Red Planet's gravitational pull.

Solar System

The Mystery of Pluto's Floating Hills

Among its other geologic oddities, Pluto has clusters of hills floating in a frozen "sea" dominated by nitrogen ice. These bobbing bumps might hold clues to the plain's depth and evolution.

Planet Nine orbital plot

Solar System

Making the Case for "Planet Nine"

Does a massive, extremely distant planet orbit the Sun? A new analysis of distant solar-system orbits argues that it should exist.

Enigmatic gullies on Mars

Space Missions

Martian Gullies: Triggered by Dry Ice?

Are enigmatic gullies seen on many steep Martian slopes caused by liquid water or instead by episodic coatings of frozen carbon dioxide?

InSight during assembly

Space Missions

NASA Nixes Launch of InSight in March 2016

A mechanical problem in the spacecraft's seismometer can't be fixed before the planned launch date, so NASA managers have postponed the mission until 2018.

going to Mars

Space Missions

NASA's Plans for Putting Humans on Mars

Scientists and engineers gathered together to figure out what would make a good Martian landing site and what hurdles they’ll have to overcome for a 2035 launch.

Artist rendering of 42 Draconis

Stellar Science

New Star and Exoplanet Names OK'd by IAU

Following a wildly popular contest, the International Astronomical Union has named 14 stars and 31 planets that orbit them.

Occator bright spot in false color

Solar System

Bright Spots on Ceres: Mystery Solved?

Results from NASA's Dawn spacecraft hint that the stark brightenings in and near scores of craters on Ceres might result from salty brines seeping onto the surface.

Akatsuki spacecraft

Space Missions

Japan’s Akatsuki Reaches Venus . . . At Last

Engineers executed an innovative contingency plan to save the Akatsuki spacecraft and place it in orbit around our sister planet.

Phobos over Mars

Solar System

Will Phobos Create a Ring Around Mars?

Dynamicists predict that the larger of Mars's two moons will shatter to create a ring, slam into the planet — or both — in 20 to 40 million years.

Location of V774104

Solar System

V774104: Solar System's Most Distant Object

An ultra-deep survey has turned up a sizable object situated nearly 10 billion miles from the Sun — more distant than any known solar-system object.

Rosetta and Comet 67P artwork

Space Missions

Where and When Will Rosetta Crash?

As ESA's comet orbiter enters its final year of operations, mission managers are deciding its fate.

Wright Mons on Pluto

Space Missions

Pluto's Cold Atmosphere and "Volcanoes"

Four months after New Horizons' historic flyby, mission scientists have been amazed by unexpected discoveries — and by how some preconceptions about Pluto were flat-out wrong.

Mars's atmospheric loss

Space Missions

Mars Losing Gas to Solar Wind

NASA’s Mars orbiter MAVEN has painted a detailed picture of how the solar wind robs the Red Planet of its atmosphere.


Space Missions

Mystery Object to Reenter Earth's Atmosphere

WT1190F will burn up over the Indian Ocean on November 13th, giving researchers an unprecedented opportunity to follow its path — and figure out where it came from.