581–600 of 1,113 results
Radar image of 2015 TB145

Solar System

2015 TB145 — Rogue Asteroid or Dead Comet?

Astronomers can't decide whether the sizable object known as 2015 TB145, which is cruising past Earth today, is a renegade asteroid or a dead comet.

Enceladus on 28 October 2015

Space Missions

Cassini Flies Through Enceladus's Plume

On October 28th, the Cassini spacecraft took its deepest dive through the water plume spewing from the south pole of Saturn’s moon Enceladus. It passed only 30 miles (50 kilometers) above the icy surface.

Alan Stern surprised

Space Missions

"Top 10" Surprises from the Pluto Flyby

New Horizons' principal investigator describes the most amazing discoveries made when NASA's New Horizons spacecraft flew past Pluto last July.

Orbit of asteroid 2015 TB145

Solar System

Close-in Asteroid Offers Halloween Treat

The recently discovered asteroid 2015 TB145 won't come especially close to Earth on October 31st, but it's big enough to be seen in medium-size backyard telescopes.

Pluto's Sputnik Planum in color

Space Missions

Pluto-Charon Results Highlighted in Science

Forget the high-octane press releases. NASA's New Horizons team has detailed the mission's early results in today's issue of Science.

Solar System

Hubble's Stunning New Jupiter Images You Have to See

A Hubble legacy program has returned high-res pictures of Jupiter, revealing changes to the Great Red Spot and mysterious new wisps in the North Equatorial Band.

Rosetta's Comet 67P

Solar System

Rosetta’s Comet Began as Two

Comet 67P’s nucleus was born when two became one.

Charon's dynamic terrain

Space Missions

Charon: Cracked, Cratered, and Colorful

A fresh batch of high-resolution images from NASA's New Horizons spacecraft shows that Charon, Pluto's largest moon, has endured a lot.

New Horizons in Kuiper Belt

Solar System

New Horizons: A Billion Miles to 2014 MU69

Planetary scientist Alan Stern continues his exclusive series of blogs with details of what awaits the New Horizons spacecraft when it reaches its next objective.

Jets from Comet 67P seen by Rosetta

Solar System

Clocking Water's Escape from Comet 67P

Thanks to the Rosetta spacecraft, researchers can follow the cycle of water escaping from the nucleus of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.

composition of Ceres' surface

Space Missions

False-color Maps of Ceres

New maps from NASA’s Dawn spacecraft reveal more about both the landscape and composition of the largest asteroid.

Hale Crater's dark streaks


Waterlogged Salts on Mars

Scientists have confirmed that water-soaked salts likely create dark seasonal lines on Mars.

USGS Lunar Map Tycho altimetry

Solar System

Beautiful, Informative Maps of the Moon

A pair of poster-size lunar maps, produced by the U.S. Geological Survey, let you roam around the Moon's surface and explore the lunar landscape.

Dramatic panorama of Pluto

Solar System

New Pluto Panorama Shows Jumbled Peaks

A striking, just-released image from NASA's New Horizons mission shows a crescent Pluto panorama. Dramatic backlighting accentuates the dwarf planet's surprisingly rugged mountains.

solar filament from the side

Solar System

Resonant Waves Might Heat Corona

Astronomers have detected waves working together in the solar atmosphere, potentially heating the gas through turbulence.


Celestial News & Events

Call for Solar Observers (Sept. 19–27)

Does your version of stargazing involve pointing your telescope at the Sun? With the right equipment, you can aid a project that aims to catch a solar flare in the act of erupting. The observing campaign is coming up soon: September 19 - 27, 2015.

Spherical mosaic of Pluto

Solar System

Best-yet New Horizons Views of Pluto

NASA's New Horizons spacecraft has returned high-resolution, richly detailed images of Pluto and its moon Charon, revealing surfaces that are confounding in their complexity.

Ceres bright spots from HAMO

Space Missions

New View of Ceres’ Amazing Spots

The latest image from NASA's Dawn spacecraft reveals structure in the bright spots on the asteroid 1 Ceres.

New Horizons visits 2014 MU69_f

Space Missions

Kuiper Belt Target Picked for New Horizons

A small body known as 2014 MU69, found by the Hubble Space Telescope barely a year ago, will be the next destination for NASA's New Horizons spacecraft.

globe of mercury

Astronomy Products

Insights from S&T's Family of Planet Globes

Pictures are great, but there's nothing like holding another world in your hands to appreciate its unique characteristics. True confession: even from childhood, I have always been a map junkie. Sure, I use GPS these days, but my car is still stuffed with road maps. The National Geographic Atlas of…