High School Citizen Scientists Join the Hunt for Exoplanets
A group of high school astronomy students helped confirm and characterize a planet slightly smaller than Saturn that closely orbits its star.
Citizen Scientist Wins Prestigious AAS Award
The American Astronomical Society recognized Dan Caselden’s contributions to science at their recent winter meeting.
How to Measure Jupiter's Deflection of Starlight
Get involved in an extraordinary experiment to test Einstein's theory of General Relativity — and you can do it from your backyard.
Amateur Astronomers Reveal Long-Ago Galaxy Mergers
The images from five Brazilian amateur astronomers have captured Hubble-level details in galaxies, laying the ground for future work in understanding their histories. Want to join the fun?
Calling on Amateur Astronomers: Observe Venus!
The Mercury-bound BepiColombo spacecraft will fly by Venus on October 15th, and the mission is asking amateurs for their help.
Astronomy in Space with David Dickinson
Amateur Astronomer Discovers "Clyde's Spot" on Jupiter
The discovery of a new feature on Jupiter gave NASA’s Juno mission an opportunity to image an emerging storm up close.
First Discoveries of a Pro-Am Exoplanet Survey
A pair of professional and amateur astronomers have teamed up to fill an important niche in exoplanet research.
Explore Solar System Worlds with NASA’s Image Archives
Have some time on your hands? Explore NASA's rich image archive and discover the solar system as you've never seen it before.
Astronomy in Space with David Dickinson
New Horizons Recruits Amateurs to Sight Stars
The New Horizons team wants you to help measure the distance to two stars, yielding the longest-ever baseline measurement of a key cosmic yardstick.
The 2020 Chambliss Amateur Achievement Award Goes To Dennis Conti
Each year, the American Astronomical Society confers the Chambliss Amateur Achievement Award for significant astronomical research carried out by an amateur astronomer. This year the award goes to Dennis Conti of the AAVSO.
Report from the 2019 Advanced Imaging Conference
S&T Associate Editor Sean Walker gives a rundown of last week's astro-imaging conference.
Do You Take Spectra? Here's Where to Store Your Data — and Contribute to Science
A new database from the American Association of Variable Star Observers enables astronomers (amateur and professional alike) to store data from any variable object in the sky.
From Lunar Flashes to Variable Stars: Pro-Am Astronomy Projects
Track satellites, spot flashes on the Moon, monitor violent stars — learn how amateur astronomers can become involved in professional science.
Amateur Planet Hunters Have a New Online Resource
A database run by the American Association of Variable Star Observers will organize and archive data on transiting exoplanets collected by amateur astronomers.
The Eclipse as Seen by Citizen Scientists
Some academic and citizen-science groups came up with neat initiatives for eclipse day. Let’s find out how they did.
The Eclipse Megamovie Project
Join a citizen-science campaign on August 21st to record 90 minutes of the Sun's changing corona. You'll need your smartphone and the Megamovie Mobile app.
Help Astronomers Track a Giant, Ringed Planet
The possible discovery of a massive ringed planet in Orion needs confirmation — and amateur astronomers can help.
Citizen Science: Projects & Collaboration
Find New Worlds, Film an Eclipse & Do Some Citizen Science!
Hankering to discover new solar systems or understand our own? These citizen science projects and public data troves will help you fill your free time.
Comet Campaign Seeks Imagers Worldwide
Calling all imagers! Three comets will make close flybys of Earth over the next two years. Join a new pro-am effort to make the most of this rare triple play.
Amateur Astro-imagers Get Ready for Juno
Planetary scientists are counting on amateur observations to enhance the results from NASA's forthcoming Juno mission.