2161–2180 of 2,241 results


Asteroid Occultations: March–July 2005

Mobile observers with video cameras, capable of filling gaps between those at fixed sites, are especially needed to observe asteroid occultations.

Asteroid 2 Pallas

Celestial Objects to Observe

Pallas in the Realm of the Galaxies

Catch Pallas, the year's brightest asteroid, as it traverses the Virgo Galaxy Cluster.

John Locke


The Discovery of the Perseid Meteors

It took the mindset of a detective to discover the truth behind the meteors of mid-August.

Thin Moon and Venus


Young-Moon Hunting in 2005

Set your own personal record for sighting the thinnest crescent Moon at dusk. Here's when and where you'll find these lunar slivers in 2005.


Big Sunspot in View

After weeks of low activity, the Sun is displaying a huge spot that you can see with nothing but a safe solar filter.

Celestial Objects to Observe

Delta Scorpii Still Showing Off

For the fourth summer in a row, the head of the bright constellation Scorpius looks a little unusual.

Deep Sky

When Will RS Ophiuchi Next Blow Its Stack?

This recurrent nova last went off in 1985. It could do so again almost any night. By catching this nova on the rise, you’ll help professional astronomers turn their “big guns” on it.

Variable Stars

X Sagittarii: A Variable Star Toward Our Galaxy's Heart

This naked-eye variable should be near peak brightness every Wednes-day night during August, September, and October.

Celestial Objects to Observe

Chi Cygni Rises Toward Maximum

Catch a orange-red variable star in Cygnus, the Swan, as its brightness peaks in early July.

Celestial Objects to Observe

Meteors That Changed the World

When "shooting stars" make the transition from heaven to earth, even small strikes can have a huge impact on human history.

Celestial Objects to Observe

Lunar Occultation Highlights for 2004

No matter where in the world you live, you can see the Moon hide stars and planets in its path. Here's when and where you can see dozens of lunar occultations this year.

Celestial Objects to Observe

A Daytime Occultation of Jupiter

Here's a blue-sky project if ever there was one. The thin waning crescent Moon will occult the second-brightest planet as seen from much of North America on Tuesday, November 9th.


Planetary Occultations for 2004

You've got plenty of chances to see an asteroid or planet pass in front of a star this year — and here's when and where to see them.

Celestial News & Events

Celestial Highlights for 2004

Eclipses, occultations, comets, and a transit of Venus — it’s going to be an exciting year for observers.

Celestial Objects to Observe

The Closest Whiz-by of Toutatis

An asteroid several kilometers wide will brighten to 9th magnitude and be visible in small telescopes when it passes Earth in late September.

Celestial Objects to Observe

Flora and Herculina meet Saturn

While checking out Saturn and Titan in the next few months, don't overlook two nearby minor planets: 8 Flora and 532 Herculina.

Paths of Vesta and Uranus in late 2004


Spot Vesta (and Uranus)

Two solar-system bodies just below naked-eye brightness can be found with binoculars in eastern Aquarius on October and November evenings: the minor planet 4 Vesta and Uranus.

Variable Stars

The Variable Star T Cephei

The long-period variable star T Cephei peaks this October. The star is relatively easy to locate in binoculars because of its red hue.

Celestial News & Events

The Moon Meets Jupiter and Venus

The crescent Moon joins Jupiter and Venus in the east at dawn to create a beautiful scene on November 9th and 10th.

Variable Stars

An 11th-Magnitude Supernova

An unusually bright supernova has gone off in NGC 2403, an 8.5-magnitude galaxy in the constellation Camelopardalis, the Giraffe.