2141–2160 of 2,239 results

Celestial News & Events

Mercury in the Morning

Amateurs are observing this elusive planet more successfully than ever before; try spotting it yourself.

Crescent Moon and Venus at sunset


Seeking Thin Crescent Moons

Here are some tips for hunting one of nature's most captivating sights.

Celestial News & Events

Asteroid Flyby Caught!

On July 3, 2006, an 800-meter (half-mile) asteroid called 2004 XP14 flew past Earth at a distance a little greater than that of the Moon.

Comet Halley

Celestial Objects to Observe

Eta Aquariids: Halley's Comet Crumbs

Flecks of dust shed long ago by Edmond Halley’s famous namesake arrive like clockwork each year, creating a minor meteor shower in early May.

Celestial News & Events

The April 1st Pleiades Occultation

The waxing crescent Moon made quite a spectacle crossing the Pleiades on April Fool's Day 2006.

Celestial Objects to Observe

RS Ophiuchi Finally Blows its Stack

This famous recurrent nova has just erupted for the first time in 21 years, reaching magnitude 4.8 on February 13th.

Quadrantid meteor

Celestial Objects to Observe

History of the Quadrantid Meteors

Read about the history and source of the Quadrantid meteor stream, which provides one of the most intense annual meteor displays. Its brief, sharp maximum lasts only a few hours in early January.

Celestial News & Events

A Mars Record for the Ages

On August 27, 2003, at 9:51 Universal Time, the centers of Earth and Mars will be only 34,646,418 miles apart. Has Mars ever been this close before?

A bullseye basin, volcanic domes and lava-flooded crater highlight Friday morning's crescent Moon


A Rare Glimpse of Mare Orientale

On five consecutive mornings beginning January 29th, early morning risers have an opportunity to glimpse the Moon’s most spectacular "hidden" landform.

Celestial News & Events

Mars at Its All-Time Finest

Never before in human history has such a golden opportunity to observe the red planet presented itself, so make the most of it with our Mars observing guide for 2003.

Celestial News & Events

Celestial Highlights for 2005

Eclipses, conjunctions, and occultations will keep observers worldwide busy during the upcoming year. Here's a summary of what's in store.


The Comet After Deep Impact

Follow Comet Tempel 1 with your telescope using our charts — and read what others have been seeing.


Lunar Occultation Highlights for 2005

No matter where you live in the world, you can see the Moon hide stars and planets in its path. Here's when and where you can watch dozens of these events this year.


The Moon Occults Fiery Antares

Set your alarm clock to watch the last-quarter Moon cross a first-magnitude star on the morning of March 3rd.

Night Sky Sights

The Martian Moons in 2007–08

If you've never spied Mars's two satellites, Phobos and Deimos, the end of 2007 is your best chance for a long time. You'll need a big telescope — and you'll need to know exactly where to look.

Night Sky Sights

Uranus and Neptune in 2005

From now to year's end, our finder charts will help you locate Uranus (in Aquarius), Neptune (in Capricornus), and Pluto (in Ophiuchus).


Three Planets Bunch Up in Twilight

Venus, Mercury, and Saturn are performing a slow dance low in the western sky at dusk.


Catch Comet LINEAR Splitting in Two

A faint comet has suddenly brightened to 8th or 9th magnitude while shedding a chunk of its nucleus. It's visible with a telescope in early evening till about June 22nd, 2005.

Celestial Objects to Observe

Asteroid Occultations: March–July 2005

Mobile observers with video cameras, capable of filling gaps between those at fixed sites, are especially needed to observe asteroid occultations.

Asteroid 2 Pallas

Celestial Objects to Observe

Pallas in the Realm of the Galaxies

Catch Pallas, the year's brightest asteroid, as it traverses the Virgo Galaxy Cluster.