201–220 of 442 results

Celestial News & Events

Supernova Discovered in the Bright Galaxy M77

A new supernova in the bright galaxy M77 in Cetus is within range of amateur telescopes. Here's how to find it.

A star goes poof!

Deep Sky

Seeking Cas A, the Ghostly Remains of a Mysterious Supernova

We still don't know for sure if anyone saw the supernova explosion in Cassiopeia around 1680, but there's no question we can observe what remains of it today.

Extra helping

Explore the Night with Bob King

Gobble Up a Rare Thanksgiving Full Moon

This week, we give thanks for all the good things in life including a rare event — a full Moon on Thanksgiving. Make it your dessert after the big meal.

A Colorful problem

Explore the Night with Bob King

Ducks in Disguise or How Stars Hide Their True Colors

Do star clusters form all at once or over several generations? A team of astronomers finds an answer among the spinning stars of an amateur favorite, the Wild Duck Cluster. 

Explore the Night with Bob King

Exoplanets for Autumn Evenings

Exoplanets pepper the night sky. We may not be able to observe them directly, but we can use their host stars as surrogates to envision them in our mind's eye.

Celestial News & Events

Amateur Don Machholz Discovers His 12th Comet! (Updated)

Arizona comet hunter Don Machholz did it again! He discovered his 12th comet only two mornings ago. Set your alarm, grab your scope, and take a look.

Explore the Night with Bob King

Three Upcoming Sky Events We Can All Share

Comets, meteors, and Moon: Share the night sights that are coming our way!

Variable Stars

Trick-or-Treat with the Seven White Dwarfs

In the Halloween spirit, we pay a visit to the cosmic dead, those tiny stars that should just fade away but always seem to be causing trouble instead.

Double Stars

Double Your Deep-Sky Pleasure with "Two-in-the-View"

Once you've seen two, a single won't do. Enjoy this selection of multiple deep-sky objects visible in the same field of view of your telescope.

Explore the Night with Bob King

Observing Earth from the Moon

Ever wondered what it would be like to see the Earth from the Moon? Join Bob King as he explores this from the perspective of the Apollo 17 astronauts.

Save Dark Skies

How Dark Is Your Night Sky?

Traditional and digital tools can help you learn the naked-eye magnitude limit of your sky and find out if the darkness has changed at your observing site.

Celestial News & Events

The Outer Planets Move In, plus an "Old Moon" Observing Challenge

As the bright planets march westward, Uranus and Neptune become the fresh new faces of fall. And if you've never seen an ultra-thin lunar crescent, here's your chance.

Explore the Night with Bob King

The Sacred Hour Before Dawn and an Evening Comet Surprise

Silence can sometimes be in short supply, but one sure place to find it is under a starry sky before the first blush of dawn. Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann erupts again!

Explore the Night with Bob King

Here Comes the Harvest Moon!

This month's Harvest Moon will be up early to light the night as well as act as a beacon for watching the annual fall bird migration through a small telescope.

Horses head to head

Deep Sky

Equuleus, the Constellation Nobody Knows

Often passed over in favor of showier sights, the constellation of the Little Horse has charms of its own. Let's saddle up and go for a ride.

Simply extraordinary

Celestial Objects to Observe

Explore the Veil Nebula

The Veil Nebula, the tattered remains of an ancient supernova explosion, is one of the most spectacular objects in the night sky. Did you know it has two dozen parts visible in amateur telescopes?

Pretty package

Explore the Night with Bob King

Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner Shines in September

Watch a binocular-bright comet leapfrog across Auriga in the next few weeks before a remarkable conjunction with the bright star cluster, M35.

Eight planets await

Explore the Night with Bob King

See All Eight Planets in One Night

Four planets are great, but how about eight? You can see them all in a single night in the next couple weeks — if you play your cards right.

Astronomy and Stargazing Projects

Shadow Play — Summertime Dark Nebulae for Binoculars

Using only binoculars, we explore a host of inky dust clouds, the dark nebulae that smudge the Milky Way on late summer nights.

Crown in the western sky

Explore the Night with Bob King

R Coronae Borealis Awakes and Pluto Blocks a Star

Sometimes, it's just as exciting to watch a celestial object fade or disappear as it is to see it explode. We celebrate the "return" of a mysterious variable star and prepare for Pluto to occult a star.